New York Times Bonus Answers - Sunday, 1st September 2013 There are 43 across clues and 44 down clues for the New York Times Bonus crossword on Sunday, 1st September 2013. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times Bonus AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: "Which __ first, the chicken ..."CAMEAAcross 5: Chicken lo __ (Chinese dish)MEINAAcross 9: Coq au __ (chicken dish)VINAAcross 12: Scored 100 onACEDAAcross 13: Retort to "Are not!"AMTOOAAcross 15: "__ count your chickens ..."DONTAAcross 16: X-rated stuffPORNAAcross 17: Like a seemingly endless sentenceRUN-ONAAcross 18: Chickenpox symptomITCHAAcross 19: Chicken giblets, e.g.ORGANSAAcross 21: UnitedONEAAcross 22: Warner Bros. collectibleCELAAcross 23: U-turn from SSWNNEAAcross 24: Charles Mingus's "__ That Chicken"EATAAcross 26: Name on Irish stampsEIREAAcross 28: Chicken __ sandwichSALADAAcross 30: Chicken soup serverLADLEAAcross 33: Letters on a package of chickenUSDAAAcross 36: In a dry wayARIDLYAAcross 38: Game with Skip and Reverse cardsUNOAAcross 40: __ Island Red (chicken breed)RHODEAAcross 42: Chicken of the __SEAAAcross 43: Chicken & __ (Campbell's soup variety)STARSAAcross 45: Go for applesBOBAAcross 46: Occupies the throneREIGNSAAcross 49: Pays forBUYSAAcross 50: America's largest chicken producerTYSONAAcross 52: Florida citrus cityOCALAAAcross 54: Abbr. on a business signESTDAAcross 56: Ambient music composer BrianENOAAcross 57: Wall St. whizARBAAcross 60: Chicken-coop-raiding animalFOXAAcross 62: Sign of AriesRAMAAcross 64: __ Menu (where to find McChicken)DOLLARAAcross 66: Chicken __ fenceWIREAAcross 67: Wipe cleanERASEAAcross 69: "__ kleine Nachtmusik"EINEAAcross 70: Brewery offeringsALESAAcross 71: Conger catcherEELERAAcross 72: Swenson of sitcomsINGAAAcross 73: Chicken cordon bleu ingredientHAMAAcross 74: Samples from a snifterSIPSAAcross 75: Chicken __ (paltry sum)FEEDDDown 1: Plumped-up chickenCAPONDDown 2: What actually fell on Chicken Little's headACORNDDown 3: On-ramp signMERGEDDown 4: Mrs. Krabappel on "The Simpsons"EDNADDown 5: Chicken __ (dish prepared with mushrooms and wine)MARSALADDown 6: Red-meat alternative to chickenEMUDDown 7: "Pay __ mind!"ITNODDown 8: "There's __ here but us chickens"NOONEDDown 9: Pull a lever, sayVOTEDDown 10: At no extra charge: Abbr.INCLDDown 11: To the __ degreeN-THDDown 11: To the __ degreeNTHDDown 14: Chicken __ (Cajun stir-fry dish)O'NEILLDDown 15: Like the chicken in chicken à la kingDICEDDDown 20: Museum-funding org.NEADDown 25: Ankle bonesTARSIDDown 27: What sunbathers catchRAYSDDown 28: Bummed outSADDDown 29: The San __ Chicken (baseball mascot)DIEGODDown 31: Where huli huli chicken may be servedLUAUDDown 32: Professor 'iggins of "My Fair Lady"ENRYDDown 33: City area, for shortURBDDown 34: One may prevent chickenpoxSHOTDDown 35: Larry, the first black American LeaguerDO BYDDown 35: Larry, the first black American LeaguerDOBYDDown 37: "Chicken __" (a k a "The Birdie Song")DANCEDDown 39: Pre-C.I.A. org.OSSDDown 41: Bow-wielding godEROSDDown 44: Not yet scheduled: Abbr.TBADDown 47: Kung pao chicken, e.g.ENTREEDDown 48: Colonel __ of Kentucky Fried ChickenSANDERSDDown 51: Determines a chicken's gender, saySEXESDDown 53: London lavatoryLOODDown 55: Is no chickenDARESDDown 57: Roomy dress styleA-LINEDDown 57: Roomy dress styleALINEDDown 58: Free-__ chickenRANGEDDown 59: Coat with crumbs, as chickenBREADDDown 60: Chick-__ (fast-food chain)FILADDown 61: City near Provo, UtahOREMDDown 63: Timbuktu's landMALIDDown 65: Norse explorer EricsonLEIFDDown 66: When doubled, a guitar effectWAHDDown 68: National Eat Chicken mo.SEP