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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • The blackcurrant plant, Ribes nigrum; the flavor of its berries • A liqueur made from these berries, especially crème de cassis. • (chiefly US) A wine flavor note, suggesting the fruity and full-bodied characteristics of the fruit; mostly referred to as simply blackcurrant in the UK, where the fruit is common. | ||||||||
40% | 9 | Scant of blackcurrants | ||||||
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34% | 9 | Used to make a type of liqueur called Galangal Liqueur | ||||||
noun • southeastern Asian perennial with aromatic roots • European sedge having rough-edged leaves and spikelets of reddish flowers and aromatic roots | ||||||||
Liqueur Made With Blackcurrants
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CASSIS which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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The Guardian Quick03 Jun 2014 | Across 17 | |
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Similar Clues
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2 | Drink made with vodka, coffee liqueur and cream
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3 | Dutch liqueur made with egg yolks and brandy
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4 | From French for “fruit-stone” and Latin for “nut”, almond- or marzipan-flavoured liqueur made by infusing apricot, cherry or peach kernels
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
15 Jul 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 15 Jul 2023 |
5 | Popular French beverage made from blackcurrants | |
6 | Scant of blackcurrants | |
7 | Strong green liqueur, lethal when made with wormwood
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20 May 2013 | The Guardian Quick / 20 May 2013 |
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Type of brandy
Black-currant liqueur
Black currant liqueur
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Black currant
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Blackcurrant cordial
Black currant flavor in wines
Kir ingredient
Flipping small bag is for drink
Black-currant liqueur
Black currant liqueur
Cordial conspirator not favoured by the top people
Black currant
Wine donkey brought into Armenia etc
Blackcurrant cordial
Black currant flavor in wines
Kir ingredient
Flipping small bag is for drink
French blackcurrant mixer
Syrupy blackcurrant liqueur
French sweet blackcurrant liqueur
Sweet blackcurrant liqueur
Cordial hospital not in the frame
In neighbourhood of Italian town I tossed off fruit drink
Currant-flavored liqueur
Conspirator against Caesar not socially acceptable or cordial
Crème de ___ (liqueur)
Syrupy blackcurrant liqueur
French sweet blackcurrant liqueur
Sweet blackcurrant liqueur
Cordial hospital not in the frame
In neighbourhood of Italian town I tossed off fruit drink
Currant-flavored liqueur
Conspirator against Caesar not socially acceptable or cordial
Crème de ___ (liqueur)