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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a sauce typically served with pasta; contains crushed basil leaves and garlic and pine nuts and Parmesan cheese in olive oil | ||||||||
60% | 6 | A Provençal sauce made of garlic, basil, and olive oil | ||||||
noun • A cold sauce made from cloves of garlic, fresh basil, and olive oil. | ||||||||
57% | 11 | Italian pasta sauce made primarily with basil, garlic, and olive oil | ||||||
noun • A type of tree (Chlorocardium rodiei) native to Guyana. • Timber from the greenheart tree. • A type of shrub (Colubrina arborescens) native to Florida and the Caribbean. | ||||||||
Basil Garlic Olive Oil Sauce Crossword Clue
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New York Times07 Nov 1993 | Down 90 | |
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1 | A Provençal sauce made of garlic, basil, and olive oil | |
2 | Basil and garlic sauce
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3 | Italian pasta sauce made primarily with basil, garlic, and olive oil | |
4 | Italian bread, toasted and served with olive oil, tomatoes, herbs, garlic etc
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17 Sep 2013 | The Guardian Quick / 17 Sep 2013 |
5 | Sauce made with garlic and olive oil
New York Times -
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6 | Sauce with crushed garlic and basil
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7 | Sauce with olive oil
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