New York Times Answers - Sunday, 6th November 2016 There are 71 across clues and 69 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 6th November 2016. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Point of greatest despairNADIRAAcross 6: Terms of serviceTENURESAAcross 13: Laid out for printingTYPESETAAcross 20: UnchallengedALONEAAcross 21: LiftRAISE UPAAcross 22: Sure thingsROLLONSAAcross 23: "Do your taxidermy on the patio instead!"?STUFFOUTTHEREAAcross 25: "You can't make me"IREFUSEAAcross 26: Of the highest qualityTOPLINEAAcross 27: Republican, on an election mapREDAAcross 28: "Da Coach"DITKAAAcross 30: Place to get stuckRUTAAcross 31: "Double" or "triple" featAXELAAcross 32: Discipline for paper tigers?ORIGAMIAAcross 34: Newcastle Brown and othersALESAAcross 35: ThrownCASTAAcross 38: Harley, in slangHOGAAcross 40: A foot on the ground in Phoenix?SNOWSURPRISEAAcross 43: It's just for openersANTEAAcross 44: "Venus in Fur" playwright DavidIVESAAcross 46: "Today" rival, for shortGMAAAcross 47: Get on one's high horse?MOUNTAAcross 48: Kind of replicationRNAAAcross 49: MiasmaSTENCHAAcross 51: "___, captain!"AYEAAcross 53: Some Campbell's offeringsBROTHSAAcross 56: SkinflintsPIKERSAAcross 58: It makes tracksTREADAAcross 60: See 41-DownILERAAcross 62: "___ it go"LETAAcross 63: Ones who have it coming to them?HEIRSAAcross 64: "Silence is the ___ that nourishes wisdom": BaconSLEEPAAcross 65: Classical pianist LevitIGORAAcross 66: Composer BartókBELAAAcross 67: Reaction of dismayOHNOAAcross 68: Comfort food causing oral discomfort?STEWDAMNHOTAAcross 70: Selfish sortUSERAAcross 71: HarpiesNAGSAAcross 72: Where many connections are madeHUBSAAcross 73: Huge quantitiesRAFTSAAcross 74: Surgical tubeSTENTAAcross 75: Common New England street nameELMAAcross 76: Lyft offeringRIDEAAcross 77: Groove-making needlesSTYLIAAcross 78: With 96-Across, bit of Chinese cuisineLITCHIAAcross 79: Many, after "a"SLEWOFAAcross 81: "Not interested"NAHAAcross 83: Like some tales or detailsSORDIDAAcross 85: BroadcastRUNAAcross 86: Hall-of-Fame quarterback DanFOUTSAAcross 88: Trendy jeans featureRIPAAcross 90: Extract used in brewingWORTAAcross 91: Foreign: PrefixXENOAAcross 92: Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and that's probably it?SIOUXYOUKNOWAAcross 96: See 78-AcrossNUTAAcross 97: Memo abbr.ATTNAAcross 98: Cab stopper?CORKAAcross 99: Up against itINASPOTAAcross 101: Genesis of an ideaGERMAAcross 103: AmazeAWEAAcross 104: Deadly nerve gasSARINAAcross 106: Artist who awards a biennial Grant for PeaceONOAAcross 107: Real sportTROOPERAAcross 111: Adjust, as a currencyREVALUEAAcross 113: Slogan for wine geeks?SIPTOBESQUAREAAcross 116: Field of visionEYECAREAAcross 117: Nipple ringsAREOLASAAcross 118: Set freeUNTIEAAcross 119: "Noble" thingRAREGASAAcross 120: Mack of early slapstickSENNETTAAcross 121: ___ Muggs, girl in "Archie"ETHELDDown 1: Harper's Weekly cartoonist ThomasNASTDDown 2: Kind of clefALTODDown 3: PrettifyDO UPDDown 3: PrettifyDOUPDDown 4: Blow upINFLATEDDown 5: Do more repairs onREFIXDDown 6: "The Princess Bride" themeTRUELOVEDDown 7: Put groceries awayEATDDown 8: It blows things up, in briefNITRODDown 9: Some wedding figuresUSHERSDDown 10: Small semicircular grooves on a columnREEDINGDDown 11: Port. is part of itEURDDown 12: Left in a hurrySPEDAWAYDDown 13: Radioactive form of hydrogenTRITIUMDDown 14: Pennsylvania cityYORKDDown 15: "S O S," e.g.PLEADDown 16: Middle-earth inhabitantELFDDown 17: Mystery ingredient in SweeTarts?SOURLITTLESECRETDDown 18: Comes laterENSUESDDown 19: Insect that folds its wingsTSETSEDDown 24: Nearly throws a perfect game against, informallyONEHITSDDown 29: Uses WhatsApp, sayIMSDDown 33: SnapGOMADDDown 34: River to the Ligurian SeaARNODDown 35: Communication devices for commuters, onceCARPHONESDDown 36: Best Picture between "Rocky" and "The Deer Hunter"ANNIEHALLDDown 37: Always putting up my entry fees?STAKINGMEFOREVERDDown 39: 1960s TV show whose star weighed 650 poundsGENTLEBENDDown 41: With 60-Across, player of Tony Soprano's sonROBERTDDown 42: Engine soundPURRDDown 45: Pressure, so to speakSCREWSDDown 49: Fraternity and sorority leaders, usually: Abbr.SRSDDown 50: Follow closelyHEEDDDown 52: Rough choice?EIGHTIRONDDown 54: "Mad About You" co-starHELENHUNTDDown 55: Begin to tongue-lashSTARTINONDDown 57: February 14th figureEROSDDown 59: DivorcedAPARTDDown 61: London lavsLOOSDDown 64: Bit of jewelrySTUDDDown 65: Opposite of outfluxINFLOWDDown 66: RamBUTTDDown 68: Hard to pin downSHIFTYDDown 69: Giant among GiantsMAYSDDown 74: Punk rocker ViciousSIDDDown 76: Gravy thickenerROUXDDown 77: They might need guardsSHINSDDown 78: Drops to the ground?LITTERSDDown 80: Herman who wrote "This Is My God"WOUKDDown 82: Home of WalmartARKANSASDDown 84: New employee requirement, maybeDRUGTESTDDown 87: Formal wingdingsSOIREESDDown 89: What an overstuffed suitcase might doPOPOPENDDown 91: Unknown quantityXAMOUNTDDown 92: BogeymanSCARERDDown 93: Informal words of thanksIOWEYADDown 94: Athlete's wear, informallyUNIDDown 95: Soup dumplingWON TONDDown 95: Soup dumplingWONTONDDown 100: John Kennedy ___, author of "A Confederacy of Dunces"TOOLEDDown 102: Game with mallets played on a hard-surfaced courtROQUEDDown 104: Criticize, in British slangSLAGDDown 105: VibeAURADDown 108: Maze solutionPATHDDown 109: Pennsylvania cityERIEDDown 110: Walk while dizzyREELDDown 112: War heroACEDDown 114: High dudgeonIREDDown 115: Giant image over GothamBAT