Idiom: Twinkle In One's Father's EyeCheck definitions of...twinkleinonesfatherseyeMeanings No meanings yet, come back later! A-Z Proximitiestwenty-twenty hindsighttwenty to the dozentwenty winkstwiddle one's thumbstwilight years twinkle in one's father's eye twinkling of an eyetwinkly-eyedtwist in the windtwist of fatetwo a pennySimilar Idiomstwinkle in one's father's eyenot your father'seye for an eyeeye for an eye, a tooth for a toothsee eye to eyeclose one eyekeep one's eye on the ballone in the eye fortake one's eye off the ballSimilar Phrasessee eye to eyeapostelic fatherchurch fathercity fatherfather brownfather christmasfather of radiofather surrogatefather's dayfather-in-lawfounding fatherholy fatherpilgrim fathereye bankeye candyeye cliniceye coloreye maskeye of raseeing eye dog