Idiom: Throw A Sprat To Catch A MackerelCheck definitions of...throwasprattocatchmackerelMeanings No meanings yet, come back later! A-Z Proximitiesthrow a fitthrow a kissthrow a monkey wrench in the worksthrow a monkey wrench into the worksthrow a spanner in the works throw a sprat to catch a mackerel throw a tantrumthrow a wobblythrow a wrench inthrow a wrench in the gearsthrow a wrench in the worksSimilar Idiomsthrow a sprat to catch a mackerelholy mackerelcatch as catch cancatch-as-catch-cancatch one's breathCatch-22catch a breakcatch a coldcatch aircatch a packetcatch a wavecatch big aircatch dustcatch firecatch fliescatch handscatch heatcatch hellcatch itcatch nappingSimilar Phraseschub mackerelcommon mackerelhorse mackereljack mackerelking mackerelmackerel shadsnake mackerelmackerel scadmackerel sharkmackerel skysmoked mackerelspanish mackerelcatch a glimpsecatch a winkcatch itcatch upfair catchcatch coldcatch cropcatch fire