How to pronounce "share and share alike":
For members of a group, equal portions of or equal access to tangible or intangible goods, entitlements, or obligations—i.e., each person's share like each of the other shares. Often used in a context of reciprocity, or pooling resources.
Equal rights to or equal portions of profits, assets, bequests, or other valuable items legally owed to investors, partners, beneficiaries, or other named associates. If one beneficiary is unable to benefit (for instance, if they have died), their share is divided among the others.
To divide possessions, benefits, or obligations equally among members of a group.
Example Sentences
When we go on a trip, we share and share alike when it comes to dividing the expenses.
At the office, they believe in a share and share alike policy, where all employees are treated equally.
In our family, we have a rule of share and share alike when it comes to using the computer.
The group project was successful because everyone had a share and share alike mindset.
The siblings agreed to distribute their inheritance share and share alike.