Outgrowth of the earlier idiom, to hit the sack (“to lie down to sleep”), with possible influences from other senses of to sack (“to tackle, to pillage”), and to sock (“to hit, to slam”), providing an implication that sleep has been thrust upon a person.
How to pronounce "sacked out":
Sound asleep, usually from a healthy exhaustion.
simple past and past participle of sack out
Example Sentences
After a long day of work, I was so tired that I just sacked out on the couch.
During the road trip, the kids sacked out in the backseat and fell asleep.
After staying up all night studying, I finally sacked out in the library.
After eating a heavy meal, I often find myself sacked out in front of the TV.
After the party, everyone sacked out on the floor and slept until morning.