Idiom: Raise One's VoiceCheck definitions of...raiseonesvoiceMeaningsHow to pronounce "raise one's voice":AU Your browser does not support the audio element. To speak loudly, especially in anger.A-Z Proximitiesrainbows and unicornsrainy dayraise Cainraise eyebrowsraise hell raise one's voice raise someone's hacklesraise someone's shagraise someone's spiritsraise the barraise the flag and see who salutesSimilar Idiomsraise one's voiceat the top of one's voicefind one's voicelike the sound of one's own voicewith one voicegood voice to beg baconvoice in the wildernessraise Cainraise eyebrowsraise hellraise someone's hacklesraise someone's shagraise someone's spiritsraise the barraise the flag and see who salutesraise the roofraise the spectreraise the stakesSimilar Phrasesraise a stinkraise hellraise upactive voicebaritone voicebass voicechest voicehead voicemiddle voicegive voicepassive voicesinging voicesmall voicetenor voicetone of voicevoice boxvoice communicationvoice mailvoice of consciencevoice over