Idiom: Pull Someone's Bacon Out Of The FireCheck definitions of...pullsomeonesbaconoutofthefireMeaningsHow to pronounce "pull someone's bacon out of the fire":AU Your browser does not support the audio element. To rescue someone, especially at the last moment.A-Z Proximitiespull out of the firepull out of the hatpull overpull punchespull rank pull someone's bacon out of the fire pull someone's legpull someone's plumespull stringspull teethpull the ladder up after oneselfSimilar Idiomspull someone's bacon out of the firepull out of the firefight fire with firebring home the baconget the bacon badbacon-facedbacon-fedgood voice to beg baconout of the frying pan, into the firehold someone's feet to the firepull the wool over someone's eyespull out all the stopspull out of the hatpull the rug out from underput out a firepull someone's legpull someone's plumespull a rabbit out of a hatpull one's finger outpull outSimilar Phrasespull someone's legsell someone outpull outbreak someone's heartin someone's waytake someone's sidebacon stripcanadian baconroger baconbacon rindbacon-lettuce-tomato sandwichfrancis baconside of baconsir francis baconpull aheadpull alongpull atcost-pull inflationdemand-pull inflationpull a face