Derived from the practice of shearing sheep, in which the sheep may "cry" as their wool is removed. The earliest recorded variation appears to be by 15th century English lawyer John Fortescue, who wrote "Moche Crye and no Wull" in De laudibus legum Angliae (c. 1470), ch. x.
How to pronounce "more cry than wool":
Dramatic assertions backed by little evidence
Example Sentences
She complained so much about her workload, but it was more cry than wool as she finished it effortlessly.
The politician's promises were all more cry than wool, as he never took any real action.
The manager's threats of firing were more cry than wool, as he never followed through.
The customer's complaints about the poor service were more cry than wool, as they continued to patronize the establishment.
He shouted and hollered during the game, but it was more cry than wool as his team lost.