Originally used as I only work here since at least the 1950s.
How to pronounce "I just work here":
Indicates that the speaker cannot answer their interrogator's question, because of lack of experience with or knowledge on the topic.
Example Sentences
When a customer asked about the store's return policy, I replied, 'I just work here, ma'am.'
A coworker asked me why our boss made a certain decision, and I simply shrugged my shoulders, saying, 'I just work here.'
When a colleague suggested changing our work schedule, I responded, 'I don't have any control over that, I just work here.'
Someone complained about the prices at the restaurant, and I told them, 'Sorry, I don't set the prices, I just work here.'
A customer asked for a discount, but I explained, 'I can't give you a discount, I just work here.'