Idiom: Hold By The ButtonCheck definitions of...holdbythebuttonMeaningsTo detain in conversation to the point of weariness; to bore; to buttonhole.Example Sentences1I could see her hold by the button that she was nervous.A-Z Proximitieshoist by one's own petardhold a candlehold a grudgehold a lighthold back hold by the button hold courthold downhold fasthold firmhold it togetherSimilar Idiomshold by the buttonon the buttonpress the panic buttonbutton-downbutton nosebutton one's lipcare a buttonhold with the hare and run with the houndshold someone's feet to the firehold the cardshold the floorhold the linehold the phonehold the purse stringshold the reinshold the ringSimilar Phrasesbachelor's buttonbelly buttonbutton accordionbutton adbutton fernbutton holebutton pinkbutton treebutton mangrovebutton snakerootbutton upcoat buttonhorn buttonhot-button issueshirt buttonindian button fernmescal buttonmouse buttonpanic buttonplug button