How to pronounce "find oneself":
To learn, or attempt to learn, what kind of person one is and what one wants in life.
Example: "When he was in his early twenties, he backpacked around Europe to find himself."
To unexpectedly or unintentionally begin to do or experience something.
Example: "As you enter the cafe, you find yourself wondering why they decided to paint the entire room blue."
Example: "When news of his wife’s murder spread around the media, he found himself in front of a press conference explaining his actions."
To be in a particular state of mind.
Example: "How do you find yourself this morning?"
To find (something) for oneself.
Example: "I need to find myself a boat."
To discover oneself to be in a particular place.
Example: "I got drunk and woke to find myself in the neighbour’s garden the next morning."