Idiom: Eat Someone's DustCheck definitions of...eatsomeonesdustMeaningsHow to pronounce "eat someone's dust":AU Your browser does not support the audio element. To be outrun.To get one to be on a losing end.A-Z Proximitieseat one's seed corneat one's Wheatieseat one's youngeat out of someone's handeat someone out of house and home eat someone's dust eat, breathe, and sleepeat someone's luncheat the miceat the richeconomical with the truthSimilar Idiomseat someone's dustnot see someone for dustthrow dust in someone's eyesbeat the dustbite the dustbust the dustcatch dustcollect dustdust mousedust off a batterdust settlesturn to dusteat out of someone's handeat someone out of house and homeeat someone's lunchbite to eateat one's youngeat, breathe, and sleepeat and leave no crumbseat an elephant one bite at a timeSimilar Phrasesbreak someone's heartin someone's waypull someone's legsell someone outtake someone's sideeat ateat awayeat ineat intoeat oneat outeat upready-to-eatchalk dustdust coatgold dusthell dustangel dustcosmic dustdiamond dust