How to pronounce "do the math":
To perform a mathematical calculation.
To determine the explanation for or precise nature of a situation, such as the motive underlying someone's behavior, based on available facts.
Example Sentences
If you buy three packs of gum at 50 cents each, and you give the cashier $2, you should do the math to figure out how much change you'll get.
He claimed he could run a mile in 3 minutes, but when you do the math, it's clear that's not possible.
The recipe calls for 1 cup of flour, but we only have half a cup, so we'll need to do the math to adjust the other ingredients.
To determine how many days it will take to drive cross-country, you need to do the math and calculate the average number of miles you'll cover each day.
The company claimed they had increased their profits by 300%, but when you do the math, you realize it's just a misleading statement.