Calque of Latin advocātus diabolī (“the devil’s advocate”), a popular title given to the officer dealing with the canonization process in the 16th c.
How to pronounce "devil's advocate":
One who debates from a viewpoint which he or she may not actually hold, usually to determine its validity or simply for the sake of argument.
Example: "I don't really believe all that – I was just playing devil's advocate."
A canon lawyer appointed by the Church to argue against the canonization of the proposed candidate.
Example Sentences
Playing devil's advocate, I think we should consider the possible risks before making a decision.
He always takes the position of devil's advocate just to spark a debate.
As a devil's advocate, I have to point out the flaws in your argument.
She enjoys playing devil's advocate in discussions to challenge others' viewpoints.
In order to test the strength of our proposal, we need someone to play devil's advocate.