How to pronounce "call out":
To specify, especially in detail.
Example: "They call out 304 stainless steel in the drawing, but the part was made from aluminum."
To order into service; to summon into service.
Example: "The Governor called out the National Guard."
To yell out; to vocalize audibly; announce.
To challenge, criticize, denounce.
Example: "He was very insulting. Finally Jack called him out and shut him up."
Example: "She called them out on their lies."
To contact one's workplace and announce that one is unable to attend work. Regionalism short for call out sick; much more commonly: call in sick.[1]
Example Sentences
The teacher had to call out the students for talking during the lecture.
I had to call out my friend for spreading false rumors about me.
He decided to call out his boss's unfair treatment of his colleagues.