Idiom: Beat One's Swords Into PlowsharesCheck definitions of...beatonesswordsintoplowsharesMeaningsAlternative spelling of beat one's swords into ploughsharesA-Z Proximitiesbeat itbeat offbeat off with a stickbeat one's brainbeat one's swords into ploughshares beat one's swords into plowshares beat someone's brains outbeat the bishopbeat the clockbeat the cockbeat the daylights out ofSimilar Idiomsbeat one's swords into plowsharesbeats one's swords into plowsharesbeat one's swords into ploughsharescross swordsbeat as onebeat one's brainbeat a dead horsebeat around the bushbeat Banaghanbeat feetbeat itbeat offbeat off with a stickbeat someone's brains outbeat the bishopbeat the clockbeat the cockbeat the daylights out ofbeat the dustbeat the meatSimilar Phrasesbeat a retreatbeat backbeat downbeat generationbeat inbeat musicbeat outbump intofall intopitch intobreak intobuy intocall into questioncalling into questioncarrying into actioncheck intocome intocome into beingcoming into courtcut into