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99% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • (usually plural) a device with an explosive that burns at a low rate and with colored flames; can be used to illuminate areas or send signals etc. | ||||||||
24% | 5 | First name of composer Stravinsky | ||||||
noun • a Greek who was a Christian theologian active in Alexandria and who was declared a heretic for his doctrines about God (which came to be known as Arianism) (256?-336) • type genus of the Ariidae: sea catfishes | ||||||||
24% | 10 | Collaborator of Igor Stravinsky | ||||||
noun • United States dancer and choreographer (born in Russia) noted for his abstract and formal works (1904-1983) | ||||||||
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times02 May 1977 | Across 54 | |
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2 | First name of composer Stravinsky | |
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6 | Stravinsky-Balanchine ballet
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