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99% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • (usually plural) a device with an explosive that burns at a low rate and with colored flames; can be used to illuminate areas or send signals etc. | ||||||||
31% | 5 | Pieces of pyrotechnics | ||||||
noun • an electrical device that can interrupt the flow of electrical current when it is overloaded • any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant verb • mix together different elements • become plastic or fluid or liquefied from heat • equip with a fuse; provide with a fuse • make liquid or plastic by heating | ||||||||
29% | 6 | Some pyrotechnics | ||||||
noun • a shape that spreads outward • a sudden burst of flame • a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate • reddening of the skin spreading outward from a focus of infection or irritation • a sudden recurrence or worsening of symptoms • a sudden eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun's surface; associated with sunspots and radio interference • an unwanted reflection in an optical system (or the fogging of an image that is caused by such a reflection) • a sudden outburst of emotion • a device that produces a bright light for warning or illumination or identification • a short forward pass to a back who is running toward the sidelines • (baseball) a fly ball hit a short distance into the outfield verb • burn brightly • become flared and widen, usually at one end • shine with a sudden light • erupt or intensify suddenly | ||||||||
Pyrotechnics Inspire Artistic Pieces
There is 1 exact and 151 possible answers.
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FIREWORKS which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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The Guardian Cryptic13 Feb 2017 | Down 2 | |
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