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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
verb • suppress or constrain so as to lessen in intensity • make moist • deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping • reduce the amplitude (of oscillations or waves) • make vague or obscure or make (an image) less visible • check; keep in check (a fire) • lessen in force or effect | ||||||||
25% | 5 | Write in block letters, say | ||||||
noun • the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication • a picture or design printed from an engraving • a visible indication made on a surface • availability in printed form • a copy of a movie on film (especially a particular version of it) • a fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers) • a printed picture produced from a photographic negative verb • put into print • write as if with print; not cursive • make into a print • reproduce by printing | ||||||||
24% | 5 | A swage block is a large, heavy block of metal with various shapes and forms used as an anvil | ||||||
noun • a tool used to thicken or spread metal (the end of a bar or a rivet etc.) by forging or hammering or swaging verb • form metals with a swage | ||||||||
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DAMPEN which was last seen in the The Guardian Everyman crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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The Guardian Everyman26 Jun 2016 | Across 22 | |
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