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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a university in Massachusetts • American philanthropist who left his library and half his estate to the Massachusetts college that now bears his name (1607-1638) | ||||||||
36% | 8 | Has a famous shrine called Usa Hachiman-gū in Usa, Oita | ||||||
noun • a Shinto god of war | ||||||||
29% | 6 | Noted Catholic university in Massachusetts, USA | ||||||
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Oldest University In The Usa Crossword Clue
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HARVARD which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Preserved by drying, salting or smokingApples and pears, for example
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick13 Mar 2015 | Down 2 | |
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Similar Clues
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1 | City on the Neckar, home to Germany's oldest university
The Guardian Quick -
08 May 2023 | The Guardian Quick / 08 May 2023 |
2 | Harvard University is the oldest in this group
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20 Oct 2022 | The Guardian Quick / 20 Oct 2022 |
3 | Has a famous shrine called Usa Hachiman-gū in Usa, Oita | |
4 | Home of the oldest university in the Americas
New York Times -
19 Feb 1995 | New York Times / 19 Feb 1995 |
5 | North Italian city, home to the world's oldest university
The Guardian Quick -
28 Jun 2022 | The Guardian Quick / 28 Jun 2022 |
6 | Oldest US university, established 1636
The Guardian Quick -
04 Jun 2021 | The Guardian Quick / 04 Jun 2021 |
7 | Site of the University of Santo Tomas, the oldest existing university in Asia |
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President Bok's domain
One 39-Across
Varsity? It's difficult to incorporate part of one
Hasty Pudding Club school
US Ivy League university
Member of the 11 at Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ivy League university
American university
US university
One 39-Across
Varsity? It's difficult to incorporate part of one
Hasty Pudding Club school
US Ivy League university
Member of the 11 at Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ivy League university
American university
US university
Lamont Library locale
Granter of an honorary degree to George Washington in 1776
US university, founded 1636
University a challenge, Aussie PM virtually admitted
Difficult to swallow odd bits of Viagra in this university
Oldest US university, established 1636
First college established in North America (1636)
Cambridge University inflexible about withdrawing advert at intervals
It's not easy catching variety, American counterpart of 24
Difficult to admit referee's assistant in top university
Granter of an honorary degree to George Washington in 1776
US university, founded 1636
University a challenge, Aussie PM virtually admitted
Difficult to swallow odd bits of Viagra in this university
Oldest US university, established 1636
First college established in North America (1636)
Cambridge University inflexible about withdrawing advert at intervals
It's not easy catching variety, American counterpart of 24
Difficult to admit referee's assistant in top university