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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective satellite • humorously sarcastic or mocking • characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is | ||||||||
36% | 12 | Surname of a Supreme Court justice who served as an associate justice before becoming Chief Justice | ||||||
noun • United States jurist who was named chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1941 by Franklin D. Roosevelt (1872-1946) | ||||||||
25% | 11 | Seekers of justice in the criminal justice system | ||||||
noun • a government official who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the state | ||||||||
Like Poetic Justice
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IRONIC which was last seen in the New York Times crossword.
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Updated: October 10, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times21 Jun 1993 | Down 44 | |
New York Times09 Jun 1984 | Down 35 | |
New York Times23 Jan 1983 | Down 72 | |
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3 | Fare traditionally served as ticket held in kind of poetic justice, ultimately
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4 | Hairstyle worn by Janet Jackson in the 1993 film "Poetic Justice," with a hint to entering four pairs of answers in this puzzle
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5 | He served as an Associate Justice before becoming Chief Justice | |
6 | Like some justice
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10 Jan 2001 | New York Times / 10 Jan 2001 |
7 | Surname of a Supreme Court justice who served as an associate justice before becoming Chief Justice |