New York Times Answers - Sunday, 23rd January 1983 There are 82 across clues and 89 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 23rd January 1983. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Fleet of warshipsARMADAAAcross 7: StitchedSEWEDAAcross 12: Date of Columbus's last voyageMDIIAAcross 16: ReinSTRAPAAcross 21: Jayhawker's neighborSOONERAAcross 22: Impulse conductorAXONEAAcross 23: Very long timeAEONAAcross 24: Quantity of paperQUIREAAcross 25: Kubrick code word?STANLEYBAKERAAcross 27: Cantrell gymnast?LANATURNERAAcross 29: Lacrosse teamTENAAcross 30: French starETOILEAAcross 31: Certain lionsIDOLSAAcross 33: Two on the dialHANDSAAcross 34: TrackHUNTAAcross 35: Garde predecessorAVANTAAcross 36: Kind of therapySEROAAcross 37: Cardiology chart, for shortECGAAcross 40: Theorbo's kinLUTEAAcross 41: Poland ChinasSWINEAAcross 42: Concerns of coachesDEFENSESAAcross 46: West Germanic languageFLEMISHAAcross 48: Writer AlexanderSHANAAAcross 49: RecompenseQUITSAAcross 50: Word with finch or thornHAWAAcross 50: Word with finch or thornHAW.AAcross 51: Breakfast cerealFARINAAAcross 52: Segal seethes?GEORGE BURNSAAcross 54: BogMIREAAcross 55: ExpungeERASEAAcross 56: Judicial writBREVEAAcross 57: Trevi throwawaysLIREAAcross 58: Greene of "Bonanza"LORNEAAcross 59: Kind of photoTELEAAcross 60: Ulrica, in "Ivanhoe"CRONEAAcross 61: ___ Raton, Fla.BOCAAAcross 62: Straw-filled mattressPALLETAAcross 63: Airline abbr.ETDAAcross 64: Ratoff measure?GREGORYPECKAAcross 67: Endorsed a passportVISAEDAAcross 68: HolmISLETAAcross 70: N.Y. timeESTAAcross 71: All possibleEVERYAAcross 72: Deepest, as thoughtsINMOSTAAcross 73: Fisher a liturgical singer?EDDIECANTORAAcross 78: Song syllableTRAAAcross 81: Least restrainedFREESTAAcross 82: Role for LizCLEOAAcross 83: Upper-crust groupELECTAAcross 84: Baseball featureSEAMAAcross 85: Some gaitsLOPESAAcross 86: Poe productTALEAAcross 87: Leinsdorf or KorngoldERICHAAcross 88: ___ Bay, N.F.L. teamTAMPAAAcross 89: CollectionsANASAAcross 90: Taylor pile at Las Vegas?ROBERTSTACKAAcross 93: ContributeCHIP INAAcross 94: Metal castingPIGAAcross 95: InitiatedBEGANAAcross 96: ConditionSTATEAAcross 97: DiscouragedCHILLEDAAcross 98: Like a stage settingSCENICALAAcross 100: ___ de visiteCARTEAAcross 101: A star of "Cinderella Liberty"CAANAAcross 102: EpochERAAAcross 103: Bauxite and stibniteORESAAcross 104: Molding edgeARRISAAcross 105: TingeCASTAAcross 106: Campus orgs.ROTCSAAcross 108: FriableCRISPAAcross 109: CorrigendaERRATAAAcross 111: StoleBOAAAcross 114: Washington beach?DINAHSHOREAAcross 116: Wimsey products?PETER SELLERSAAcross 119: Typewriter typeELITEAAcross 120: All-conquerorAMORAAcross 121: Poetic museERATOAAcross 122: Red-ink entriesLOSSESAAcross 123: What Sen. Dole does?METESAAcross 124: HaulsTOWSAAcross 125: Rent againRELETAAcross 126: Long wooden benchSETTLEDDown 1: Type of D.A.ASSTDDown 2: Kyle of football fameROTEDDown 3: LamentMOANDDown 4: Bonnie Franklin roleANNDDown 5: Printer's deltaDELEDDown 6: Nymph transformed by ArtemisARETHUSADDown 7: Italic languageSABINEDDown 8: GlorifyEXALTDDown 9: Stirred upWOKEDDown 10: Ethyl followerENEDDown 11: Gathering by inferenceDERIVINGDDown 12: Dorothy or MollyMALONEDDown 13: Started a rubberDEALTDDown 14: Atomic particlesIONSDDown 15: Balin of filmsINADDown 16: This puzzle has 529SQUARESDDown 17: StimulateTURN-ONDDown 17: StimulateTURNONDDown 18: CrustRINDDDown 19: Hawk on OlympusARESDDown 20: Form or fume prefixPERDDown 26: Conrad short storyYOUTHDDown 28: BurglariesTHEFTSDDown 32: Mother of PerseusDANAEDDown 35: ConsciousAWAREDDown 36: Fisherman's netSEINEDDown 37: DecadentEFFETEDDown 38: Red BordeauxCLARETDDown 39: Chaplin attendant?GERALDINEPAGEDDown 40: CeilLINEDDown 41: Pushy personSHOVERDDown 42: Grain sorghumDURRADDown 43: Booth sanctuary?SHIRLEY TEMPLEDDown 44: Got rightfullyEARNEDDDown 45: PleasantSWEETDDown 47: ___ en scèneMISEDDown 48: "___ evil"SEENODDown 49: Like winksQUICKDDown 52: Rum drinkGROGDDown 53: Political unionBLOCDDown 54: Bicuspid's neighborMOLARDDown 56: Royal celebrityBRETTDDown 58: Device using light raysLASERDDown 60: Surfer's surfaceCRESTDDown 61: ___ noireBETEDDown 62: Central pointPIVOTDDown 64: SleeknessGLOSSDDown 65: Old name for TokyoYEDODDown 66: Plato's penultimate letterPSIDDown 67: Fodder plantVETCHDDown 69: WidgeonsSMEESDDown 72: Like poetic justiceIRONICDDown 73: Burstyn from DetroitELLENDDown 74: DoesDEERDDown 75: Unctuous preparationCERATEDDown 76: Albee honoreeALICEDDown 77: This goes to your headNECKDDown 79: SwordRAPIERDDown 80: Blake of "Gunsmoke"AMANDADDown 81: BlindersFLAPSDDown 82: IntrigueCABALDDown 84: Spanker, e.g.SAILDDown 86: Judicial apparelTOGASDDown 87: Les ___-UnisETATSDDown 88: Like Hammett's "Man"THINDDown 90: AlcoveRECESSDDown 91: Nicholas and BorisTSARSDDown 92: EcdysiastSTRIPPERDDown 93: Property itemsCHATTELSDDown 95: Frost subjectBIRCHESDDown 97: Muchachos' abodesCASASDDown 99: Make marginal markingsNOTATEDDown 100: MuezzinsCRIERSDDown 101: Bugs Bunny treatCARROTDDown 104: Hood's missileARROWDDown 105: Minoan's landCRETEDDown 106: Get one's goatRILEDDown 107: "Step ___!"ON ITDDown 108: Lake or singerCOMODDown 109: Inclusive abbr.ET ALDDown 109: Inclusive abbr.ET AL.DDown 110: Tropical plantALOEDDown 111: OutdoBESTDDown 112: Turgenev's birthplaceORELDDown 113: S. African foxASSEDDown 114: J.F.K. or H.S.T.DEMDDown 115: Abzug adornmentHATDDown 117: Before, to SpenserEREDDown 118: Utah Beach craftLST