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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • of or pertaining to or characteristic of Nepal or its people or language or culture noun • a native or inhabitant of Nepal • the official state language of Nepal | ||||||||
60% | 5 | Where "ho" and "hoina" mean "yes" and "no" | ||||||
noun • a small landlocked Asian country high in the Himalayas between India and China | ||||||||
35% | 3 | a word used as the subject or object of a sentence to mean 'it does not matter which person or thing', 'no matter which person or thing', 'it makes no difference which one', etc. | ||||||
adverb • to any degree or extent adjective satellite • one or some or every or all without specification; entity, elective existential pronoun; quantifier, elective existential | ||||||||
Language In Which Ho And Hoina Mean Yes And No Crossword Clue
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New York Times04 Nov 2021 | Across 59 | |
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2 | A statistical measure that calculates the mean distance of each data point from the mean | |
3 | a word used as the subject or object of a sentence to mean 'it does not matter which person or thing', 'no matter which person or thing', 'it makes no difference which one', etc. | |
4 | Mean, mean, mean
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17 Oct 2016 | New York Times / 17 Oct 2016 |
5 | River, one in West Country town — yes, yes, yes!
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11 Dec 2014 | The Guardian Cryptic / 11 Dec 2014 |
6 | Where "ho" and "hoina" mean "yes" and "no"
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7 | Yes, yes, yes!
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22 Mar 2010 | The Guardian Quiptic / 22 Mar 2010 |