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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • One who operates a hose, e.g. a fire hose or a garden hose. • One that hoses, i.e. hurts (someone) badly. • A person (especially a farmer) who siphons gasoline out of a vehicle or piece of equipment. • A person who hoses down a lake after a game of hockey, to return it to a smooth state. • A clumsy, boorish person, especially an over-eating, beer-drinking man, or a man prone to petty infractions such as taking other people's food or drinks. • A Canadian. | ||||||||
29% | 8 | Firefighters' instruments | ||||||
noun • surveying instrument consisting of the upper movable part of a theodolite including the telescope and its attachments • surveying instrument used with a plane table for drawing lines of sight on a distant object and for measuring angles | ||||||||
29% | 10 | Firefighters' activity | ||||||
verb • cause (a chemical compound, vapour, solution, magnetic material) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance • infuse or fill completely | ||||||||
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times06 Dec 1997 | Down 9 | |
New York Times11 Nov 1995 | Down 49 | |
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1 | Firefighters' activity
New York Times -
03 Sep 1992 | New York Times / 03 Sep 1992 |
2 | Firefighters' instruments
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17 Nov 1988 | New York Times / 17 Nov 1988 |
3 | Firefighters' tools
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24 Mar 2003 | New York Times / 24 Mar 2003 |
4 | Firefighters, in slang
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26 Apr 1997 | New York Times / 26 Apr 1997 |
5 | Firefighters hold them outside windows
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11 Sep 2005 | New York Times / 11 Sep 2005 |
6 | The average age of retirement for firefighters in the United States | |
7 | The International Association of Firefighters, for firefighters |