New York Times Answers - Thursday, 3rd September 1992 There are 39 across clues and 39 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Thursday, 3rd September 1992. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Not nudeCLADAAcross 5: Historic sewerROSSAAcross 9: What Yarborough holders doPASSAAcross 13: Guipure, e.g.LACEAAcross 14: Kett and JamesETTASAAcross 16: Mystical markRUNEAAcross 17: TurpitudeEVILAAcross 18: Wild gooseBRANTAAcross 19: School Orwell attendedETONAAcross 20: Not off the rackMADE-TO-ORDERAAcross 23: Aurora, to AristotleEOSAAcross 24: Minor minorTOTAAcross 25: Singer McEntireREBAAAcross 26: Salt Lake City athleteUTEAAcross 27: Put a bid inOFFEREDAAcross 31: German reservoirEDERAAcross 33: Bock kinALEAAcross 34: Firefighters' activitySATURATINGAAcross 39: That is ___TOSAYAAcross 42: In medias ___RESAAcross 43: The O'Grady girlROSIEAAcross 44: Small units of weightHECTOGRAMSAAcross 47: Amatol ingredientTNTAAcross 48: Original site of U. of NevadaELKOAAcross 49: SmocksCAMISESAAcross 52: Tabard or MermaidINNAAcross 54: Sky sightingsUFOSAAcross 57: UniteWEDAAcross 58: UproarDINAAcross 59: CornyMICKEY MOUSEAAcross 64: "Last ___ to Brooklyn": SelbyEXITAAcross 66: Smash inwardSTAVEAAcross 67: Artery for ArtemidorusITERAAcross 68: ___ qua nonSINEAAcross 69: MisanthropeHATERAAcross 70: ExecrateDAMNAAcross 71: Mullins contemporaryTEENAAcross 72: Bears' lairsDENSAAcross 73: Wheeling's riverOHIODDown 1: Skelton's KadiddlehopperCLEMDDown 2: Kilauea outputLAVADDown 3: Etcher's needACIDDDown 4: Strike outDELETEDDown 5: Rear walls of jai-alai courtsREBOTESDDown 6: Another, in ÁvilaOTRODDown 7: Bart or BrendaSTARRDDown 8: Three-time Derby-winning jockeySANDEDDown 9: Grand ___, AcadiaPREDDown 10: Believers in film directors' full controlAUTEURISTSDDown 11: High-hatSNOOTDDown 12: Kinesthesia, e.g.SENSEDDown 15: Soprano from W. Va.STEBERDDown 21: M. Anderson's "High ___"TORDDown 22: Fence for defenseRADARDDown 27: Imprecatory remarkOATHDDown 28: Ice raftFLOEDDown 29: ObsceneFESCENNINEDDown 30: Black ternDARRDDown 32: Ike's commandETODDown 35: Cachar, e.g.TEADDown 36: Mil. group at Parris IslandUSMCDDown 37: EnneadNINEDDown 38: ObtainsGETSDDown 40: Expanse west of Eur.ATLDDown 41: Li'l Abner ___YOKUMDDown 45: Children's card gameGO FISHDDown 46: Some lumbermenSAWYERSDDown 50: Hebrew letterMEMDDown 51: M. Martin musical: 1966IDOIDODDown 52: That is: Lat.ID ESTDDown 53: Undeliverable piece of mailNIXIEDDown 55: Series of eightOCTADDDown 56: Emulate K. WittSKATEDDown 60: LevelEVENDDown 61: Where Young grew oldUTAHDDown 62: Trucking rigSEMIDDown 63: Pianist BaloghERNODDown 65: Half a scoreTEN