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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a city in east-central France on the Rhone River; a principal producer of silk and rayon • the council in 1274 that effected a temporary reunion of the Greek Orthodox with the Roman Catholic Church • the council of the Western Church in 1245 that excommunicated Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and planned a new crusade against the Holy Land | ||||||||
41% | 11 | He was a member of the Sons of Ben, a group of poets who admired Ben Jonson | ||||||
noun • Englishman and Cavalier poet whose lyric poetry was favored by Charles I (1595-1639) | ||||||||
38% | 4 | Ben, Sue or Francis of films | ||||||
noun • a city in east-central France on the Rhone River; a principal producer of silk and rayon | ||||||||
Ben And Sue Of Films
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New York Times12 Mar 1983 | Across 66 | |
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2 | Ben, Sue or Francis of films
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3 | Ben and Sue of movies
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4 | Ben in the film "Ben"
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5 | Ben of Ben & Jerry's
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11 Mar 2011 | New York Times / 11 Mar 2011 |
6 | He appeared in several films and TV shows, including 'The Cosby Show' and 'The Ben Stiller Show'. | |
7 | He was a member of the Sons of Ben, a group of poets who admired Ben Jonson |