New York Times Answers - Monday, 16th August 1993 There are 39 across clues and 39 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Monday, 16th August 1993. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Count ___ (take the roll)NOSESAAcross 6: HipONTOAAcross 10: PrevaricationsLIESAAcross 14: Me. college townORONOAAcross 15: Ukrainian cityKIEVAAcross 16: ___ uncertain termsINNOAAcross 17: Error-freeINFALLIBLEAAcross 19: DespotTSARAAcross 20: College military gp.ROTCAAcross 21: With 2 Down, common alternativesYESAAcross 22: SpinROTATEAAcross 24: PairTWOAAcross 26: Biblical bookPSALTERAAcross 27: PrayersORISONSAAcross 31: "___ stand . . . ": LutherHEREIAAcross 32: Country singer TillisPAMAAcross 33: Have high goalsASPIREAAcross 35: Goldwyn and RayburnSAMSAAcross 38: Arbitrated at Shea: SlangUMPEDAAcross 40: LAX lettersETAAAcross 41: Facing Jimmy KeyAT-BATAAcross 42: Mineral springsSPASAAcross 43: Holmes's assistantWATSONAAcross 45: Bossy's milieuLEAAAcross 46: Flight partSTAIRAAcross 48: World's highest peakEVERESTAAcross 50: DesignatesASSIGNSAAcross 52: Lamb's motherEWEAAcross 53: WanderedROAMEDAAcross 54: Barley beardAWNAAcross 56: Mosel feederSAARAAcross 60: " . . . ere I saw ___"ELBAAAcross 61: Out of the questionIMPOSSIBLEAAcross 64: NaClSALTAAcross 65: Nürnberg negativeNEINAAcross 66: "___ Kick . . . ": C. PorterIGETAAAcross 67: Ash or palmTREEAAcross 68: Pesky insectGNATAAcross 69: InscribeENTERDDown 1: Black, to PierreNOIRDDown 2: See 21 AcrossORNODDown 3: Kind of touchSOFTDDown 4: Passes, as a lawENACTSDDown 5: Roman counterpart of HeliosSOLDDown 6: Steinbeck nomadOKIEDDown 7: His ___, the bigwigNIBSDDown 8: Far: Comb. formTELDDown 9: SuperviseOVERSEEDDown 10: "The ___ Rebel," S. Temple filmLITTLESTDDown 11: VoraciousINSATIABLEDDown 12: Growing outENATEDDown 13: More tenderSORERDDown 18: Ben and Sue of moviesLYONSDDown 23: Galley implementOARDDown 25: Blue dyeWOADDDown 26: Out of sight is onePHRASEDDown 27: Musical workOPUSDDown 28: Highway exitRAMPDDown 29: Like some roads after blizzardsIMPASSABLEDDown 30: Skin divers' weaponsSPEARSDDown 34: Communication lettersITTDDown 36: West or MurrayMAESDDown 37: R.b.i. or e.r.a.STATDDown 39: AppraisalESTIMATEDDown 41: AgainANEWDDown 43: " . . . long, long trail a-___"WINDINGDDown 44: Baking chambersOVENSDDown 47: Dark or ironAGEDDown 49: QuitRESIGNDDown 50: "There's no music in ___ . . .": RuskinARESTDDown 51: ___ plexusSOLARDDown 54: Western Samoan capitalAPIADDown 55: HabitWONTDDown 57: Promote felonious actsABETDDown 58: Der ___ (Adenauer)ALTEDDown 59: SternREARDDown 62: Chess piecesMENDDown 63: She, in StuttgartSIE