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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 13 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • United States writer of thrillers (born in 1925) | ||||||||
66% | 4 | ____ Brockovich, Steven Soderbergh film | ||||||
noun • an early name of Ireland that is now used in poetry | ||||||||
48% | 6 | Given name of the American film director and screenwriter Soderbergh | ||||||
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Wrote The Novel Out Of Sight Which Was Adapted Into A Film By Steven Soderbergh
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ELMORE LEONARD with a confidence score of 95%.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | 2005 dystopian novel adapted into a 2010 film
New York Times -
05 Jun 2019 | New York Times / 05 Jun 2019 |
2 | Author whose novel The English Patient was adapted into a film starring actor Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes
Telegraph Herculis -
09 Jan 2023 | Telegraph Herculis / 09 Jan 2023 |
3 | Given name of the American film director and screenwriter Soderbergh | |
4 | Novel by Sir Michael Morpurgo, followed by Farm Boy, that was adapted into a film and a play
Telegraph Herculis -
13 Mar 2023 | Telegraph Herculis / 13 Mar 2023 |
5 | Sci-fi novel adapted into a hit 2021 film
New York Times Mini -
28 Oct 2021 | New York Times Mini / 28 Oct 2021 |
6 | Their story was depicted in the film 'Che' directed by Steven Soderbergh | |
7 | ____ Brockovich, Steven Soderbergh film
Telegraph Cross Atlantic -
13 Feb 2024 | Telegraph Cross Atlantic / 13 Feb 2024 |