Telegraph Herculis Answers - Monday, 9th January 2023 There are 18 across clues and 16 down clues for the Telegraph Herculis crossword on Monday, 9th January 2023. View the answers below.. Also try..All Telegraph Herculis AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 8: Described in a posthumous biography by Elizabeth Gaskell, novelist “Curer Bell” who penned Jane Eyre, Shirley and VilletteBRONTEAAcross 9: Name of a castle on the river Dee that is the Scottish residence of the British Royal familyBALMORALAAcross 10: Fizzy drink served with a scoop of frozen cream to make a “float”COLAAAcross 11: Old word for a seat or throne; or, a blockade of a fortress or townSIEGEAAcross 12: An elongated ivory tooth of an elephant, narwhal or walrusTUSKAAcross 13: A stake or upright marking the start or finish of a horse race; or, a collection or delivery of mailPOSTAAcross 15: Opening in a wall or a ship’s deck through which food or cargo is passed; or, a door in an aircraftHATCHAAcross 16: A peppercorn grinder, quern or other device for crushingMILLAAcross 18: Distinctive forms of pronunciation characteristic of particular speakers, regions or social classesACCENTSAAcross 19: Long-term weather conditions in an area or country; or, by extension, the prevailing mood or trendCLIMATEAAcross 22: Forename of the heroine in Philip Pullman’s His Dark MaterialsLYRAAAcross 24: Large groups of cattleHERDSAAcross 25: Henry II’s favourite son who sealed the Magna Carta in 1215JOHNAAcross 26: A gin or whisky cocktail flavoured with lemon/lime juiceSOURAAcross 28: Buttercream, frosting or other sugary topping for glacé cakesICINGAAcross 30: Word meaning “uncommon” that is also used to describe a saignant level of doneness of beef steakRAREAAcross 32: General term for a painting representing a maritime sceneSEA PIECEAAcross 33: An announcement; a small ad; or, an information placard on a wallNOTICEDDown 1: An ensemble of three singers or instrumentalists; or, a musical composition for such a groupTRIODDown 2: Author whose novel The English Patient was adapted into a film starring actor Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-Wykeham-FiennesONDAATJEDDown 3: Long benches for members of a congregation or choir in a church; or, an informal word for seatsPEWSDDown 4: General word for tangible and visible items; or, aims/purposesOBJECTSDDown 5: Growing to lengths of up to 150 feet, the largest known animals to have ever existedBLUE WHALESDDown 6: The seat of a chair; foot of a bed, garden, hill or page; stamina; or, solidity/strength of characterBOTTOMDDown 7: Quantities of fish or game caught; loose-fitting trousers; udders; or, carriers, shoppers, totes etcBAGSDDown 14: Author of adventure novels featuring the Scarlet PimpernelORCZYDDown 15: Word for a traveller or individual who obtains free lifts in motor vehicles by means of thumbingHITCHHIKERDDown 17: Type of fastener on a garden gate or ledge-and-brace doorLATCHDDown 20: The greater number; or, a group or political party with the winning margin or votes in an electionMAJORITYDDown 21: Horse box or other unpowered vehicle towed by anotherTRAILERDDown 23: Word used to mean brusque, precipitous, steep or suddenABRUPTDDown 27: From the Old French meaning “hear”, the call of a town crier prior to making a proclamationOYEZDDown 29: Instrument such as a tam-tamGONGDDown 31: Peppermint-flavoured confection in the form of a stick; or, a closed hand shape that beats scissors and loses to paper in a gameROCK