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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • A thin slice of meat or fish wrapped around a stuffing then fried, baked or braised | ||||||||
64% | 9 | A meat dish made from boned, stuffed, and rolled meat, usually served cold or at room temperature. | ||||||
noun • boned poultry stuffed then cooked and covered with aspic; served cold | ||||||||
51% | 9 | From the Italian for “little sleeves” or “muffs”, pasta in the form of tubes, typically served stuffed with ricotta and baked in marinara sauce | ||||||
noun • large pasta tubes stuffed with chopped meat or mild cheese and baked in tomato sauce | ||||||||
A Rolled And Stuffed Meat Or Fish Dish Typically Served In A Sauce Crossword Clue
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PAUPIETTE with a confidence score of 95%.
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Similar Clues
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1 | A meat dish made from boned, stuffed, and rolled meat, usually served cold or at room temperature. | |
2 | A type of stuffed meat or fish roll typically served with a sauce | |
3 | Dish of meat served in a thick white sauce
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4 | From the Italian for “little sleeves” or “muffs”, pasta in the form of tubes, typically served stuffed with ricotta and baked in marinara sauce
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5 | Ill-frequented locale where forbidden sauce is stuffed into fish
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6 | Rolled-up piece of meat, fish or sponge with a filling
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