New York Times Bonus Answers - Wednesday, 1st December 2004 There are 42 across clues and 44 down clues for the New York Times Bonus crossword on Wednesday, 1st December 2004. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times Bonus AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: High cardsACESAAcross 5: A whole bunchSCADSAAcross 10: Casino card dealer's deviceSHOEAAcross 14: ToastyWARMAAcross 15: Sci-fi writer __ Scott CardORSONAAcross 16: Cost of a postal card, onceCENTAAcross 17: Oscar winner ThompsonEMMAAAcross 18: Ross of the SupremesDIANAAAcross 19: Diva's deliveryARIAAAcross 20: Company that launched the Discover cardSEARSAAcross 22: __ cards (fad collectibles)POKEMONAAcross 24: Bit of verbal fanfareTADAAAcross 27: Stephen of "FearDotCom"REAAAcross 28: AWOL pursuersMPSAAcross 31: MetroCard paymentsFARESAAcross 33: Auctioneer's crySOLDAAcross 37: Sound of reliefAAHAAcross 38: __'acte (intermission)ENTRAAcross 39: Meryl of "Postcards From the Edge"STREEPAAcross 41: Bit of baseball card triviaSTATAAcross 43: Stage and screen actor __ RitchardCYRILAAcross 45: Pulitzer winner JamesAGEEAAcross 46: Credit card featureSTRIPEAAcross 48: Actor EppsOMARAAcross 50: Credit card bill insertsADSAAcross 51: Home furnishings chainIKEAAAcross 52: Hank Aaron, for most of his careerBRAVEAAcross 53: D-Day craft: Abbr.LSTAAcross 54: Figure on a golf scorecardPARAAcross 56: City on the MoselleMETZAAcross 58: Credit cards, slangilyPLASTICAAcross 62: __ card (modern purchasing option)DEBITAAcross 66: Tarot card readerSEERAAcross 67: Eschew cue cardsAD-LIBAAcross 70: __ card (bit of decorative stationery)NOTEAAcross 71: Card catalog abbr.ET ALAAcross 71: Card catalog abbr.ET AL.AAcross 72: __ to the vest (how cards may be played)CLOSEAAcross 73: Bow-toting godEROSAAcross 74: South Seas tuberTAROAAcross 75: Enter, as dataKEYINAAcross 76: Figure on a Monopoly cardRENTDDown 1: Leaves speechlessAWESDDown 2: Made the sceneCAMEDDown 3: Humorist BombeckERMADDown 4: __ card (banker's item with a computer chip)SMARTDDown 5: Lawn squaresSODDDown 6: Dernier __ (latest fashion)CRIDDown 7: "Fast!" on a memoASAPDDown 8: Organ __ (some card carriers)DONORSDDown 9: Lowdown cheatSNAKEDDown 10: Three-card monte, e.g.SCAMDDown 11: Long sandwichHERODDown 12: "Door's open, come __"ONINDDown 13: J.F.K. guesstimateETADDown 21: In under the tagSAFEDDown 23: All-star game sideEASTDDown 25: __ card (listing at a formal ball)DANCEDDown 26: Too stylish, perhapsARTYDDown 28: __ card (delivery to a bereaved family)MASSDDown 28: __ card (delivery to a bereaved family)MASS.DDown 29: LaBelle or LuPonePATTIDDown 30: Card __ (poker cheat, e.g.)SHARKDDown 32: Blemish on a baseball scorecardERRORDDown 34: "... man __ mouse?"ORADDown 35: Holding a valid green cardLEGALDDown 36: Monopoly cardsDEEDSDDown 39: Galley drudgeSLAVEDDown 40: Exterminator's targetPESTDDown 42: Dead heatTIEDDown 44: Shi'ite leaderIMAMDDown 47: Mushy foodsPAPSDDown 49: Emeritus: Abbr.RETDDDown 52: Harness partBRIDLEDDown 55: Sharp as __ATACKDDown 57: __ cards (ESP testers)ZENERDDown 58: Antifur org.PETADDown 59: Shakespearean kingLEARDDown 60: Folksy GuthrieARLODDown 61: Be too sweetCLOYDDown 63: Tiresome oneBOREDDown 64: "Psst! Pass __!"ITONDDown 65: Flash cards may prepare you for oneTESTDDown 66: Complete collection of baseball cards, saySETDDown 68: "It __" ("Who's there?" response)ISIDDown 69: Hoss's father, on 1960's-70's TVBEN