New York Times Answers - Saturday, 27th February 2016 There are 36 across clues and 34 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Saturday, 27th February 2016. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Anchor lineTHISJUSTINAAcross 11: Dinner serving in the Prodigal Son parableCALFAAcross 15: Be setHAVEITMADEAAcross 16: Stick in the refrigeratorOLEOAAcross 17: Without stoppingATALLTIMESAAcross 18: Trade rights, saySPARAAcross 19: HungerYENAAcross 20: Granted accessLET INAAcross 21: Up to the ___TASKAAcross 22: Dwarf planet discovered in 2005ERISAAcross 24: Bit of vaquero gearREATAAAcross 26: HungerACHEAAcross 27: Gets back (to)RSVPSAAcross 29: Will with partsSMITHAAcross 31: Infant's attachment?ILEAAcross 32: Aural "OMG!"EEKAAcross 34: "Child's play!"ITSASNAPAAcross 36: ConcoctDREAM UPAAcross 40: Shows aging, in a wayYELLOWSAAcross 41: Many a Rolling Stone cover subjectROCKIDOLAAcross 43: Senate greetingAVEAAcross 44: Online qualificationIMOAAcross 45: Set in motionSOWEDAAcross 47: ExpectAWAITAAcross 51: Servings with tandoori chickenNANSAAcross 53: Did a farrier's work onSHOEDAAcross 55: ___ waveSINEAAcross 56: Tough problemKNOTAAcross 57: It "hath put a spirit of youth in every thing," per ShakespeareAPRILAAcross 59: Something a U.P.S. driver has: Abbr.RTEAAcross 60: ___ Valley, Calif.SIMIAAcross 61: Book with profiles of many famous people?STAMP ALBUMAAcross 63: ShadowTAILAAcross 64: Coco Chanel, par exemplePARISIENNEAAcross 65: HistoricallyONCEAAcross 66: Words before crashing?ANDSOTOBEDDDown 1: "Casey at the Bat" writerTHAYERDDown 2: No fansHATERSDDown 3: Czar known for his mental instabilityIVAN IVDDown 4: Frites seasoningSELDDown 5: Hill climber of noteJILLDDown 6: SayUTTERDDown 7: Does inSMITESDDown 8: Florida community with a portmanteau nameTAMIAMIDDown 9: What makes you youIDENTITYDDown 10: Bomberman console, brieflyNESDDown 11: ___ Brava (Spanish resort area)COSTADDown 12: "Ocean's Thirteen" co-starALPACINODDown 13: Dog checker?LEASHLAWDDown 14: PermanentlyFOR KEEPSDDown 23: Dog commandSPEAKDDown 25: ConfoundedAT SEADDown 28: RigsSEMISDDown 30: Crumbly Mideastern dessertHALVADDown 33: "Mad props!"KUDOSDDown 35: A hostSLEWSDDown 36: ToastsDRINKSTODDown 37: Language in which "hello" is "buna ziua"ROMANIANDDown 38: Like some forecastsECONOMICDDown 39: Virginia tribePOWHATANDDown 42: One spotted in tall grassLEOPARDDDown 46: Base of a follicleDERMISDDown 48: Website for budget travelersAIRBNBDDown 49: Connected (with)INTUNEDDown 50: Crawled (with)TEEMEDDDown 52: Metro entranceSTILEDDown 54: SpongeDIPSODDown 58: Product from une vacheLAITDDown 61: Beautician employerSPADDown 62: "The Wolf of Wall Street" star, familiarlyLEO