New York Times Answers - Monday, 30th April 2012 There are 37 across clues and 40 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Monday, 30th April 2012. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: FretSTEWAAcross 5: Singer/actress MidlerBETTEAAcross 10: Heading on a list of errandsTO-DOAAcross 14: MemoNOTEAAcross 15: No turn may be allowed then, according to a signONREDAAcross 16: Lab assistant in a horror filmIGORAAcross 17: Face-to-face examORALAAcross 18: Group that includes North, South, East and WestBRIDGECLUBAAcross 20: Actor Thornton of "Sling Blade"BILLYBOBAAcross 22: Opposite of exitsENTERSAAcross 23: ShowerRAINAAcross 24: ___ fideBONAAAcross 25: Carlsbad featureCAVERNAAcross 28: Chesapeake Bay delicacyBLUE CRABAAcross 32: BeelikeAPIANAAcross 33: Can of worms, sayBAITAAcross 34: Singer YokoONOAAcross 35: Writer Ayn and othersRANDSAAcross 36: Naval rank: Abbr.ENSAAcross 37: Bare-bonesPLAINAAcross 39: FrigidICYAAcross 40: Writing tabletsPADSAAcross 41: Dentist's directiveRINSEAAcross 42: Activity a puppy lovesBELLYRUBAAcross 45: Talked back toSASSEDAAcross 46: Currier and ___IVESAAcross 47: Bit of bumper damageDENTAAcross 48: Golden Delicious and othersAPPLESAAcross 51: Service provided at Meineke and Pep BoysBRAKEJOBAAcross 55: Sparring injury, perhapsBRUISEDRIBAAcross 57: California wine valleyNAPAAAcross 58: Bygone Italian coinsLIREAAcross 59: ArtlessNAIVEAAcross 60: Hawaiian strings, informallyUKESAAcross 61: Ones giving or receiving alimonyEXESAAcross 62: Like some preppy jacketsTWEEDAAcross 63: Eat like a birdPECKDDown 1: High-hatterSNOBDDown 2: Spelling of "90210"TORIDDown 3: And others, for shortET ALDDown 3: And others, for shortET AL.DDown 4: Versed in the classics, sayWELL-READDDown 5: Certain spoolBOBBINDDown 6: Company with a spectacular 2001 bankruptcyENRONDDown 7: Chicago daily, briefly, with "the"TRIBDDown 8: Koppel or KennedyTEDDDown 9: Just beat, as in a competitionEDGEOUTDDown 10: Something always sold in mint condition?TICTACDDown 11: Eye amorouslyOGLEDDown 12: SullenDOURDDown 13: Heavenly bodiesORBSDDown 19: Feminine suffixENNEDDown 21: Tall talesYARNSDDown 24: Seventh heavenBLISSDDown 25: West Indies nativeCARIBDDown 26: RapidlyAPACEDDown 27: Old LPs and 45sVINYLDDown 28: Quaint lodging hinted at by the outsides of 18-, 20-, 28-, 42-, 51- or 55-AcrossBANDBDDown 29: Reddish/white horsesROANSDDown 30: Biscotti flavoringANISEDDown 31: Like chicken breast cutletsBONEDDDown 33: BoyfriendsBEAUSDDown 37: ShenaniganPRANKDDown 38: "Now hear this!"LISTENUPDDown 40: Something brought to a birthday partyPRESENTDDown 43: Easter bloomsLILIESDDown 44: Designer ___ Saint LaurentYVESDDown 45: Bottom of the oceanSEABEDDDown 47: The "D" of PRNDLDRIVEDDown 48: CompetentABLEDDown 49: Grand ___ (auto race)PRIXDDown 50: ChastePUREDDown 51: Cheese popular with crackersBRIEDDown 52: Actor GyllenhaalJAKEDDown 53: Crude group?OPECDDown 54: Take in some sunBASKDDown 56: Black birdDAW