New York Times Answers - Saturday, 16th February 1991 There are 34 across clues and 35 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Saturday, 16th February 1991. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Sandy beachPLAGEAAcross 6: FreebiesPASSESAAcross 12: Dancer Pearl ___PRIMUSAAcross 13: Chanteuse, e.g.ARTISTEAAcross 15: World Series team: 1975THEBOSTONREDSOXAAcross 17: Kind of blankORDERAAcross 18: "Toilers of the Sea" painterRYDERAAcross 19: "___ tu," Verdi ariaERIAAcross 20: Road lead-inRAILAAcross 21: AttacksHASATAAcross 22: " . . . with the blue ribbons ___"ON ITAAcross 23: Dos Passos workU.S.A.AAcross 23: Dos Passos workUSAAAcross 24: Goes on a dietBANTSAAcross 25: Canadian IndiansCREESAAcross 26: Fabric featureSELVEDGEAAcross 28: BigwigsBRASSAAcross 29: ConstrueINTERPRETAAcross 31: Kin of lottoBEANOAAcross 33: CommandmentsPRECEPTSAAcross 37: Greek legislative assemblyBOULEAAcross 38: Like a galeBLOWYAAcross 39: "Where—where slept thine ___": KeatsIREAAcross 40: Echidna fareANTSAAcross 41: Serb and CroatSLAVSAAcross 42: Frown or scowlLOURAAcross 43: Third-rate gradeCEEAAcross 44: Glide or soarPLANEAAcross 45: Animals of a regionFAUNAAAcross 46: Slugger for 15 AcrossCARL YASTRZEMSKIAAcross 49: "Be thou ___ of health . . . ": HamletASPIRITAAcross 50: Climbing peppersBETELSAAcross 51: Mount Saint ___, Wash.HELENSAAcross 52: Entangling; insidiousSNARYDDown 1: LandedPREDIALDDown 2: Freedom-of-speech limitLIBELDDown 3: Valentine figureAMORDDown 4: NASA's GrissomGUSDDown 5: Keep apartESTRANGEDDown 6: Washington Zoo pairPANDASDDown 7: Fiat cousinARRETDDown 8: Trick finishSTERDDown 9: Tom Sawyer's half brotherSIDDDown 10: Scroll scribesESSENESDDown 11: Lardner productsSTORIESDDown 12: Part of many a sentencePHRASEDDown 14: Beltway signsEXITSDDown 15: Doughnut, for oneTORUSDDown 16: SalsifyOYSTER PLANTDDown 21: "It ___ Be You," 1924 songHADTODDown 22: Be grandiloquentORATEDDown 24: SesameBENNEDDown 25: Where the longbow prevailedCRECYDDown 27: Perfumery packagingVIALSDDown 28: ConcoctsBREWSDDown 30: Old Testament bookPROVERBSDDown 31: Pottery materialBONE ASHDDown 32: Her symbol was a fluteEUTERPEDDown 34: In a devout wayPIOUSLYDDown 35: BaggageTRUNKSDDown 36: Turkish innSERAIDDown 37: Any grape, banana, etc.BACCADDown 38: DenouncesBLASTSDDown 41: Done inSLAINDDown 42: Debussy opusLAMERDDown 44: This stack'll cracklePYREDDown 45: Greek goat cheeseFETADDown 47: Diamond ___LILDDown 48: Form of BuddhismZEN