New York Times Answers - Sunday, 8th March 1987 There are 67 across clues and 77 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 8th March 1987. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Matinee ___IDOLAAcross 5: Catches red-handedNAILSAAcross 10: Computer's character equivalentsBYTESAAcross 15: Add liquorLACEAAcross 19: A S. African peoplePEDIAAcross 20: Planet pathORBITAAcross 21: City WNW of MemphisEARLEAAcross 22: DashELANAAcross 23: Sealing materialSCOTCH TAPEAAcross 25: Variety of beetSWISS CHARDAAcross 27: More realisticEARTHIERAAcross 28: Short textile fibersNOILSAAcross 30: PathsTRAILSAAcross 31: Horse's repastOATSAAcross 32: Some corrosivesACIDSAAcross 33: LayerTIERAAcross 34: City on the AdriaticBARIAAcross 36: Liqueur flavorANISEAAcross 37: Conrad heroineLENAAAcross 38: Three, in BergamoTREAAcross 41: FireworkROMAN CANDLEAAcross 44: HeadgearPANAMA HATAAcross 46: City on the OkaORELAAcross 47: Party in GomorrahORGYAAcross 48: Towel markingHISAAcross 49: BegetSIREAAcross 50: Religious gp.OSBAAcross 51: EmmentalerSWISS CHEESEAAcross 55: Ratios in trigonometrySINESAAcross 56: Most alarmingSCARIESTAAcross 58: Keratinous substanceHORNAAcross 59: Spring bringing zingSPAAAcross 60: Shubert, e.g.THEATREAAcross 61: Paris subwayMETROAAcross 62: International watersOPENSEAAAcross 66: Enero is oneMESAAcross 67: Kind of strutOLEOAAcross 68: ___ Hill, city in Calif.PLEASANTAAcross 69: Execs' messagesMEMOSAAcross 72: "___ to me!"ITSALLGREEKAAcross 75: Altar wordsIDOAAcross 76: Locale of TabrizIRANAAcross 77: Scale notesTISAAcross 78: SecularLAICAAcross 79: Make yarnSPINAAcross 80: Site of Goodfellow AFB, Tex.SAN ANGELOAAcross 83: AWOL's actionFRENCH LEAVEAAcross 86: Jeanne d'Arc's title: Abbr.STEAAcross 87: Poilu's weaponARMEAAcross 88: Eccentric personCRANKAAcross 89: Theow's cousinESNEAAcross 90: Rosary beadsAVESAAcross 91: Emulates EscoffierCOOKSAAcross 92: Bergère, e.g.SEATAAcross 94: Easter plantSPIREAAAcross 97: IgnominySHAMEAAcross 98: PostponesSUSPENDSAAcross 102: Short-haired felineMALTESE CATAAcross 104: This requires individual checksDUTCH TREATAAcross 106: Curved archOGEEAAcross 107: Wipe outERASEAAcross 108: Grenoble's riverISEREAAcross 109: GrantCEDEAAcross 110: Earth sci.GEOLAAcross 111: Belled the catDAREDAAcross 112: Appellation bestowerNAMERAAcross 113: Earl of AvonEDENDDown 1: ___ dixitIPSEDDown 2: Ten: Comb. formDECADDown 3: RedolenceODORDDown 4: Of the seashoreLITTORALDDown 5: Like well-pitched baseball gamesNO-HITDDown 6: Skills, to SenecaARTESDDown 7: Construction itemIBARDDown 8: Kind of serviceLIPDDown 9: Lettering aidSTENCILDDown 10: Other thanBESIDEDDown 11: Jolly boatsYAWLSDDown 12: Baseball's SpeakerTRISDDown 13: They loop the LoopELSDDown 14: Type of poemSESTINADDown 15: "Merry Widow" composerLEHARDDown 16: Kirghizian rangeALAIDDown 17: Reiner or SaganCARLDDown 18: GoalsENDSDDown 24: Word with letter or storeCHAINDDown 26: Best partCREAMDDown 29: Seine feederOISEDDown 32: Griffith and GibbANDYSDDown 33: TautTENSEDDown 34: Beet soupBORSCHDDown 35: One-celled creaturesAMEBAEDDown 36: Feeling of dreadANGSTDDown 37: Troubadour's songsLAISDDown 38: ScrawnyTHINDDown 39: DistinctiveRAREDDown 40: Sedan summersETESDDown 41: PerchROOSTDDown 42: Crouches in fearCOWERSDDown 43: MountARISEDDown 44: Showing: Comb. formPHENODDown 45: Poona nativesASIANSDDown 51: Realty investmentsSITESDDown 52: Lobster's clawCHELADDown 53: Hailey novelHOTELDDown 54: FauntleroyERROLDDown 55: Command to FidoSPEAKDDown 57: Best seller in 1884RAMONADDown 59: OrationSPEECHDDown 61: Rapid, to MehtaMOSSODDown 62: Relating to oilOLEICDDown 63: One of the MarianasSAIPANDDown 64: Salad itemENDIVEDDown 65: Make amendsATONEDDown 68: DidoPRANKDDown 69: Jeune filleMISSDDown 69: Jeune filleMISS.DDown 70: Part of Q.E.D.ERATDDown 71: Lion's prideMANEDDown 72: Parts of listsITEMSDDown 73: Spacecraft coveringTILEDDown 74: Secluded valleysGLENSDDown 79: Ancient Roman coinSESTERCEDDown 81: Sea force, to W. S. GilbertNAVEEDDown 82: LubricatedGREASEDDDown 83: Kipling's "___ Sea to Sea"FROMDDown 84: Collected abundantlyRAKEDINDDown 85: SprangLEAPTDDown 88: Put paint onCOATEDDDown 90: Russian workers' cooperativeARTELDDown 91: Man on a $10,000 billCHASEDDown 92: Bolivian citySUCREDDown 93: SW London suburbESHERDDown 94: Portmanteau wordSMOGDDown 95: AttendantPAGEDDown 96: Former Congolese prime ministerILEODDown 97: CicatrixSCARDDown 98: RestrainSTEMDDown 99: UrgencyNEEDDDown 100: Miami's countyDADEDDown 101: British gunSTENDDown 103: Period in historyERADDown 105: Springsteen's "Born in the ___"U.S.A.DDown 105: Springsteen's "Born in the ___"USA