New York Times Answers - Sunday, 12th December 1982 There are 73 across clues and 71 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 12th December 1982. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Rodgers and Hart's "___ in Arms"BABESAAcross 6: KnoutLASHAAcross 10: LARKFROLICAAcross 16: It serves the tellyBBCAAcross 19: AnimateALIVEAAcross 20: Fairy-tale openerONCEAAcross 21: BranchedRAMOSEAAcross 22: One-time Mideast initialsUARAAcross 23: Tournament of Roses entryFLOATAAcross 24: French windowDOORAAcross 25: ConsecrateANOINTAAcross 26: "Dio ___!"MIOAAcross 27: CARDINALFUNDAMENTALAAcross 30: Uncivil courtroom actsCONTEMPTSAAcross 32: Seneca's foeERIEAAcross 33: WhateverANYAAcross 34: Ab ___ (from the start)OVOAAcross 36: LibertinesRAKESAAcross 37: Act as sommelierDECANTAAcross 39: SWIFTMASTEROFSATIREAAcross 45: Put the ___ on (solicit)BITEAAcross 47: Nobel Prize physicist: 1922BOHRAAcross 48: PowerVISAAcross 49: November winnersINSAAcross 50: Lamb-chop decorationFRILLAAcross 53: Liberty or VictorySHIPAAcross 55: IneffectiveUSELESSAAcross 58: Vehicles at J.F.K.LIMOSAAcross 59: Driver's needTEEAAcross 60: ScowlGLAREAAcross 61: Body musclePSOASAAcross 65: "Rubáiyát" wordENOWAAcross 66: L.B.J. beagleHERAAcross 67: Made a wagerLAIDAAcross 68: Put outQUENCHAAcross 69: Bad or goodEGGAAcross 70: SNIPEFIREFROMCOVERAAcross 74: U.S. ancestral org.SARAAcross 75: Ponchielli's "___ mar!"CIELOEAAcross 77: PrecinctAREAAAcross 78: Type of sackSADAAcross 79: Caesar's second announcementVIDIAAcross 80: Combiner meaning "nine"ENNEAAAcross 81: Behind at seaABAFTAAcross 82: BlueBENAAcross 83: ParticipateSIT-INAAcross 84: Bewitching charmGLAMOURAAcross 86: Fem.'s oppositeMASCAAcross 87: Rare treat, sometimesSTEAKAAcross 88: Not dbl.SGLAAcross 90: Author Santha Rama ___RAUAAcross 91: Byzantine imageIKONAAcross 93: "Brute" antecedentsETTUAAcross 95: CRANESTRETCHTHENECKAAcross 99: Lively witESPRITAAcross 103: In ___ (hurried)ARUSHAAcross 104: ___ Annie of "Oklahoma!"ADOAAcross 105: FledRANAAcross 107: ApieceEACHAAcross 108: Triple Cy Young Award winnerTOMSEAVERAAcross 112: EAGLETWOUNDERPARAAcross 116: Police dept. alertAPBAAcross 117: Not subject to a ruleEXEMPTAAcross 119: Milnes role in "Otello"IAGOAAcross 120: Secant, for oneRATIOAAcross 121: Stanley Cup org.NHLAAcross 122: Flights by oiseauxVOLEESAAcross 123: Tanglewood areaSHEDAAcross 124: Make up forATONEAAcross 125: Match the betSEEAAcross 126: SWALLOWENDUREAAcross 127: FlawlessPUREAAcross 128: Certain muralsSERTSDDown 1: Lofted a golf ballBAFFEDDDown 2: EnticeALLUREDDown 3: TV's "___ Woman"BIONICDDown 4: DUCKEVADEABLOWDDown 5: Caterpillar hairSETADDown 6: Tyrolean fabricLODENDDown 7: Elia, e.g.ANONYMDDown 8: GlaswegianSCOTDDown 9: Statue by PolyclitusHERADDown 10: Auber's "___ Diavolo"FRADDown 11: AnimusRANCORDDown 12: Melville workOMOODDown 13: Pork cutLOINDDown 14: Berlin's "___ This a Lovely Day . . . "ISNTDDown 15: Et ___CETERADDown 16: JAYBUMPKINDDown 17: Fishermen, at timesBAITERSDDown 18: Baggataway stickCROSSEDDown 28: DillonMATTDDown 29: AverseLOTHDDown 31: Painter of "Odalisque"MATISSEDDown 35: Baron ___ (Francis Bacon)VERULAMDDown 38: Asther of filmsNILSDDown 40: Nichols protagonistABIEDDown 41: Petty bribeSOPDDown 42: Medicates to excessOVERDOSESDDown 43: Rattail, e.g.FILEDDown 44: Tampa-to-Fort Myers dir.SSEDDown 46: Aromatic compoundESTERDDown 50: GULLFLEECEDDown 51: "___ the new!"RINGINDDown 52: Daughter of CymbelineIMOGENDDown 54: In this vicinityHEREABOUTDDown 56: Levantine craftSAICDDown 57: San Antonio cagerSPURDDown 60: CROWGLOATDDown 62: Type of inspectionON-SITEDDown 63: Maine national parkACADIADDown 64: QUAILSHRINKDDown 66: Step on itHIEDDown 68: Geometry lettersQEDDDown 70: Secretariat, onceFOALDDown 71: Mann's partnerFRAUDDown 72: ___ beans (Mexican dish)REFRIEDDDown 73: Cyrus or PhiloVANCEDDown 76: OphidianlikeLEGLESSDDown 79: RAILVITUPERATEDDown 81: Shanghai nurseAMAHDDown 82: Judicial benchBANCDDown 83: Concordes, e.g.SSTSDDown 85: Part of a trefoilARCDDown 86: Country singer BandyMOEDDown 88: StanzaSTROPHEDDown 89: GROUSEGRUMBLEDDown 92: Granny is oneKNOTDDown 94: Watch overTENDDDown 95: Wicked peopleSATANSDDown 96: "___ of St. Agnes": KeatsTHEEVEDDown 97: Novelist LeeHARPERDDown 98: "Oom Paul"KRUGERDDown 100: Predacious flierRAPTORDDown 101: "___ Say No" (sung by 104 Across)ICAINTDDown 102: AnguishTHROESDDown 106: Negative terminalANODEDDown 109: NeuriteAXONDDown 110: South African grasslandVELDDDown 111: Rhea's relativeEMEUDDown 113: Tenuous stripWISPDDown 114: Where Waialua isOAHUDDown 115: Victorian and EdwardianERASDDown 118: Monogram of Prufrock's creatorTSE