New York Times Answers - Thursday, 23rd March 1978 There are 38 across clues and 36 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Thursday, 23rd March 1978. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: "Give ___ horse he can ride"AMANAAAcross 6: June 6, 1944D-DAYAAcross 10: Women's ___LIBAAcross 13: Singer FrankieAVALONAAcross 14: Othello's villainous ensignIAGOAAcross 15: Call ___ dayITAAAcross 16: Swift's land of 60-foot giantsBROBDINGNAGAAcross 18: Research room, for shortLABAAcross 19: IrelandEIREAAcross 20: At firstINITIALLYAAcross 22: "It's a Sin to Tell ___"ALIEAAcross 23: Liqueur flavoringANISEAAcross 24: Twice XXVILIIAAcross 25: Pile on an ed.'s deskMSSAAcross 26: BouillonBROTHAAcross 27: Bath and Baden-BadenSPASAAcross 29: Fit for ducksRAINYAAcross 30: Parade oneself boldlyFLAUNTAAcross 32: Conductors' gearBATONSAAcross 35: Church-lesson readerLECTORAAcross 36: Pitch or puttSTROKEAAcross 37: Nursery clock-climberMOUSEAAcross 39: Turkish imperial standardALEMAAcross 40: DomesticatesTAMESAAcross 41: Hundredweight: Abbr.CWTAAcross 44: Drivers' org.AAAAAcross 45: Sign of the zodiacARIESAAcross 46: Revolve with a humming soundWHIRAAcross 47: Inauguration Day activityINSTATINGAAcross 49: Hearty's partnerHALEAAcross 50: Actor ErwinSTUAAcross 51: He wrote "Jude the Obscure"THOMAS HARDYAAcross 54: Word with power or pocketAIRAAcross 55: "If I ___ Girl Like You," 1925 songHADAAAcross 56: Door adjunctsHINGESAAcross 57: Monogram of "The Waste Land" poetTSEAAcross 58: British gunSTENAAcross 59: Garment workerEDGERDDown 1: Spring months, in ParisAVRILSDDown 2: New Zealand nativesMAORISDDown 3: "Tiny Alice" playwrightALBEEDDown 4: Land of ___ (sleep)NODDDown 5: Black cuckooANIDDown 6: StatelinessDIGNITYDDown 7: Popular pastryDANISHDDown 8: MarbleAGATEDDown 9: Hindu asceticYOGIDDown 10: Swift's land of six-inch peopleLILLIPUTDDown 11: Romano, for oneITALIANODDown 12: "And down will come ___ . . . "BABYDDown 13: At right angles to a ship's keelABEAMDDown 17: Curtain fabricNINONDDown 21: ___-LorraineALSACEDDown 23: Crop upARISEDDown 26: Kind of holidayBANKDDown 28: Cello or viol: Abbr.STRDDown 29: Van Gogh's "___ Arles"ROOMATDDown 30: Chimney channelsFLUESDDown 31: SlighterLESSDDown 32: Boys' org.BSADDown 33: Legendary sunken islandATLANTISDDown 34: "___ Island"TREASUREDDown 37: Pal or top aide, in jiveMAINMANDDown 38: Partner of alphaOMEGADDown 40: Vacuum tubeTRIODEDDown 41: AccusationCHARGEDDown 42: Founder of Grover's CornersWILDERDDown 43: Canasta cardsTREYSDDown 45: "A man's a man for ___": BurnsATHATDDown 46: Resounding blowWHANGDDown 47: "Every woman ___ heart a rake": PopeISATDDown 48: Disbelievers in God: Abbr.ATHSDDown 52: Pronoun for a shipSHEDDown 53: Kept secretHID