New York Times Answers - Tuesday, 13th December 1977 There are 35 across clues and 42 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Tuesday, 13th December 1977. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Mountain gorgePASSAAcross 5: Crimson Tide, for shortBAMAAAcross 9: Paul Bunyan's blue oxBABEAAcross 13: "Vissi d'___," aria from "Tosca"ARTEAAcross 14: Represents oneself (as)POSESAAcross 15: ___, duo, tresUNUSAAcross 16: Word with herdNEATAAcross 17: Y.M.C.A. and Y.M.H.A.ASSNSAAcross 18: Young zebraCOLTAAcross 19: Frederick Forsythe novelDAYOFTHEJACKALAAcross 22: EncourageASSUREAAcross 23: Work like a horseTOILAAcross 24: CultivateTILLAAcross 26: IneffectualUSELESSAAcross 31: Indian sheepSHAAAcross 34: Lovable lionessELSAAAcross 36: PremingerOTTOAAcross 37: Christopher Fry adaptationTIGERATTHEGATESAAcross 42: At some removeAFARAAcross 43: Breed of animalsLINEAAcross 44: W.W. II areaETOAAcross 45: The constellation CamelopardalisGIRAFFEAAcross 49: TransactionsACTAAAcross 51: Important European forage plantALFAAAcross 53: GreeleyHORACEAAcross 57: Novel by OuidaADOGOFFLANDERSAAcross 61: Kind of leopardSNOWAAcross 62: Ultimate goalTELOSAAcross 63: Part of Q.E.D.ERATAAcross 64: Haitian shrubANILAAcross 65: Giant grass, used for basketryOTATEAAcross 66: Cubs or cardinalsNINEAAcross 67: Lions' lairsDENSAAcross 68: Volstead's opponentsWETSAAcross 69: Cumberland riverTEESDDown 1: Himalayan bearcatPANDADDown 2: RegionsAREASDDown 3: RopesSTAYSDDown 4: Buffet spreadSET OUTDDown 4: Buffet spreadSETOUTDDown 5: Empty talkBOSHDDown 6: Speed, to a cheetahASSETDDown 7: Memorable actor from PittsburghMENJOUDDown 8: Brazilian palmsASSAISDDown 9: Male antelopeBUCKDDown 10: Wild ox of the CelebesANOADDown 11: Male elephantBULLDDown 12: N.Y. timeESTDDown 14: KneecapPATELLADDown 20: Tasty birdFRIERDDown 21: ___ Elum, city in WashingtonCLEDDown 25: Beachhead craftLSTDDown 27: African wormLOADDown 28: Diminutive suffixETTEDDown 29: Direction to a printerSTETDDown 30: MediocreSO-SODDown 31: Male caribouSTAGDDown 32: Kind of phonographHI-FIDDown 33: Oriental soup ingredientAGARDDown 35: Sight from Mass. shoresATLDDown 38: PeriodERADDown 39: Hawk parrotHIADDown 40: Decorate with inlaid workENCHASEDDown 41: BoardGET ONDDown 46: Tire by laborFAGDDown 47: "Martha" composerFLOTOWDDown 48: DecadentEFFETEDDown 50: ZealousARDENTDDown 52: Elgar's "Symphony in ___"AFLATDDown 54: Eagle's nestAERIEDDown 55: Whooping oneCRANEDDown 56: Park in ColoradoESTESDDown 57: Jackson from AlleghenyANNEDDown 58: "___ What Comes Natur'lly," 1946 songDO INDDown 59: Night birdsOWLSDDown 60: Quite a bitLOTSDDown 61: Kind of sack or ironSAD