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12-Letter Words Containing: E,R,S,U

 (In Any Order)
There are 2,488 12 letter words, 766 12 letter phrases and 0 12 letter abbr's with E,R,S,U in.

Best Scoring 12 Letter Words With: E,R,S,U

30 verbv

• To calm (a person or animal) or put them to sleep using a drug.

• To make (something or someone) tranquil.

• To become tranquil.

30 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
30 nounn

• a heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic element; the only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures

adjective satellite

• liable to sudden unpredictable change

30 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
30 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
29 nounn

• any plant of the genus Pulsatilla; sometimes included in genus Anemone

29 nounn

• (football) the person who plays quarterback

• (American football) the position of the football player in the backfield who directs the offensive play of his team


• play the quarterback

29 nounn

• a disparaging term for an unsophisticated person

• a Confederate guerrilla during the American Civil War

29 noun, adjectiven, adj
Valid word for Scrabble US
29 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
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Tip: Scrabble EU allows far more words than US! Also change the max length to see more words.

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Words (2488)
Phrases (766)
waste productvolute springvisual purplevistula rivervannevar bushupper surfaceunkind personuniversal setulmus proceraturdus merulatribe bubalustreasury notetreasury billtreasure huntterminus a quosweet sorghumsweet gum treesurgical seamsurgeon's knotsupreme truthsupport levelsumo wrestlersummer squashsuburban areastraighten upsquirrel awayspruce grouseslice throughskin eruptionskiffle groupsigrid undsetsigmund freudshoulder boneshaft furnacesexual desireserious musicsense of humorsemester hoursecond naturescourge of godsciurus nigersamuel butlersamuel barberrussel crouserubus caesiusrisky ventureright-side-outribes sativumrhesus monkeyresidual clayquercus suberput one acrosspulse counterprimula verispress cuttingpleasure trippaved surfacepassive trustpaprika sauceouter cassockotto sverdruporder ulvalesorder fucalesoff one's guardnot surprisednot intrusivenew brunswicknatural shapenative sulfurmusical genremusic teachermountain rosemount shermanmount everestmissel thrushmidsummer daymeasuring rodmass spectrummarie tussaudmarcel proustlusus naturaelow countrieslouis pasteurlouis braillelouis bleriotlong trousersjules maigretjules feifferjames thurberjacques iberthunter's saucehunted personhunger strikehuman processhouse servantheart and soulgustav mahlerguinea grainsground strokegreenish blueglenn curtissgeorge enescugenus viverragenus varanusgenus trionyxgenus torreyagenus thrinaxgenus tarsiusgenus tarichagenus tapirusgenus tamarixgenus syringagenus sturnusgenus sphyrnagenus silurusgenus seriolagenus scombergenus sciurusgenus sardinagenus saimirigenus rumohragenus rhamnusgenus primulagenus porzanagenus papavergenus pagurusgenus osmerusgenus muscarigenus marmotagenus makairagenus liriopegenus hordeumgenus hoheriagenus hirundogenus gorillagenus giardiagenus freesiagenus eucaryagenus epacrisgenus draculagenus cyperusgenus crocutagenus coryphagenus corylusgenus cirsiumgenus carissagenus carduusgenus brassiagenus ascarisgenus artemiagenus armeriagenus arachisgenus apteryxexpress trustexposure doseeleonora dusedurable pressdurable goodsdress uniformdough sheeterdesert iguanacustomer's manculture shockcubic measurecourse creditcornmeal mushclumsy personcitrus medicacicuta verosacharnel housechange coursecervus nipponcarl linnaeusbusiness firmbud sagebrushbronco busterbrain surgeonbos grunniensblast furnacebeta vulgarisbenjamin rushbath scrubberauguste rodinarbutus unedoaqueous humorangular shapealnus veridisajuga reptansadipose tumoracne vulgarisyouth crusadeyellow sprucewrong-side-outwinter squashwind exposurewhite russianwhite mustardwater biscuitvon rundstedtvitus behringvitreous bodyvisual cortexvenus's girdlevenus' slippervena peroneusuttar pradeshuss merrimackusnea barbataus governmentup to our necksunion soldierulysses grantu.s. governmentturnip greensturn of phraseturn of eventsturkish toweltubeless tiretrue sago palmtrue marmosettrouser presstree squirreltree clubmosstreasury bondtreasure shiptramp's spurgetrained nursetrade surplustower mustardtodea superbatime exposurethunder snakethird crusadetexas leaguertartare saucetable mustardsweep throughsurreal humorsurinam riversurface-to-airsurface noisesurface gaugesupreme courtsupreme beingsunken gardensunflower oilsun worshipersummer schoolsummer savorysummer cohoshsulphur oxidesugar snap peasuede leathersuborder larisublime portesubalpine firstupid personstuffed shirtstuffed dermastudent nursestriped skunkstreet urchinstrange quarksterculia gumsteam turbinest. petersburgsquirrel cornsquirrel cagesquash racketsquare matrixsquare fathomsquare dancerspurge nettlespurge laurelspurge familyspring beautyspiral nebulasphyrna tudesspectrum linespark countersoybean floursoviet russiasouthern scupsouth americasound barriersorex araneussophie tuckersolar furnacesnuffbox fernsnow-in-summersnack countersmall fortuneslumber partysixth crusadesilver sprucesilver bulletsilent butlersidereal hourshrimp buttershoulder viseshoulder markshoulder cordshort subjectshore bouldershoe industryserum diseaseserum albuminsenior statusseed sproutersedative drugsecular gamesscarlet sumacscarlet plumesausage makersan pedro sulasamuel wildersalvia azureasacral plexusrusty gracklerussian riverrussian oliverussell's bodyrunning nooserumex acetosarules of orderruled surfacerule of cy presruffed grouserudolf serkinrudolf dieselrubber eraserrose geraniumrose chestnutrooming houserock squirrelrock purslanerobert bunsenriver cocytusrhesus factorreverse faultrevenue stampresidual soilrequiem sharkreptile genusregular prismrefined sugarred deliciousreaumur scaleradius vectorquestion markquercus rubraquercus roburquercus nigraqueen consortquarter stockquarter horsepurse stringspurple orchispublic squareprussian blueprice supportpressure unitpressure suitpressure sorepressure gagepressure feedpressure domeprairie lotusposter colourpore mushroompop-up toasterpleurisy rootpleural spacepleasure boatpisum arvensepersonal nounpersonal foulpencil pusherpedal pusherspay as you earnpasture brakepastor roseuspasque floweroyster fungusoxalis cernuaowner's equityoutdoor stageos triquetrumorder musalesomental bursaoculus dexterocular musclenusa tenggaranursery rhymenumber systemnucleus nigernubian desertnorway sprucenorthern scupnitrous oxidenewburg saucenerve impulsenatural statenatural resinnaegele's rulemyrtle spurgemustard saucemustard agentmustagh rangemussel shrimpmusical scoremuscle memorymurine typhusmultiple starmosquito fernmizzen coursemistle thrushminor surgerymiles per hourmidsummer evemiddle bustermeringue kissmedial rectusmeasuring cupmass murderermarket squaremarine musselmarine museummajor surgerylunar eclipselumbar plexuslubber's pointlouvre museumliver sausagelister ploughliqueur glassline spectrumline of saturnlight cruiserleast squareslaw of closurelake superiorkupffer's cellknut pedersenkey signaturejulius ervingjulius caesarjuglans regiajerusalem oakindian summerimpulse relayimplied trusthussar monkeyhoward hugheshouse trailerhouse sparrowhouse 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quercusgenus pyralisgenus ptlorisgenus pteroisgenus protiumgenus proteusgenus procyongenus pristisgenus praunusgenus planeragenus pirangagenus perillagenus percinagenus packeragenus oxandragenus ortalisgenus ormosiagenus oriolusgenus orcinusgenus ondatragenus oleariagenus oestrusgenus ocyurusgenus ochromagenus nerodiagenus myrsinegenus myrrhisgenus monardagenus marantagenus macluragenus lythrumgenus lyrurusgenus luvarusgenus lunariagenus listeragenus liparisgenus linderagenus linariagenus liatrisgenus lamprisgenus lacertagenus iresinegenus icterusgenus icteriagenus homarusgenus hatioragenus gymnuragenus grampusgenus graculagenus giraffagenus gerberagenus fumariagenus fregatagenus fraseragenus francoagenus formicagenus everniagenus euterpegenus euryalegenus eudermagenus etropusgenus erwiniagenus erodiumgenus ercillagenus ephedragenus enhydragenus eimeriagenus egrettagenus droseragenus dicerosgenus depariagenus darmeragenus cyrillagenus cypraeagenus curcumagenus cratevagenus crangongenus corokiagenus colubergenus coerebagenus clethragenus circaeagenus chlorisgenus charinagenus cestrumgenus certhiagenus cedrelagenus caryotagenus carlinagenus cariamagenus carettagenus cardiumgenus cairinagenus burseragenus bucerosgenus bryoniagenus bruchusgenus bomareagenus blarinagenus besseragenus astreusgenus artamusgenus arizonagenus ariommagenus argiopegenus ardisiagenus arctiumgenus arcellagenus arbutusgenus araujiagenus araneusgenus aphrizagenus apaturagenus andrenagenus anabrusgenus amorphagenus aletrisgenus ailurusgenus aeridesgenus abroniagenus abramisgastric ulcergastric juicefuller's earthfrog's lettucefreudian slipfourth estatefour horsemenforest red gumfocal seizureflying saucerflexor musclefish geraniumfirst quarterfirst crusadefifth crusadefield sandburfield mustardfemoral pulsefamous personfalse truffleewing's tumoureuropean soleeskimo curlewerse languageenrico carusoegretta albuseastern turkieastern siouxeaster sundayeaster cactusdraught horsedowager's humpdouglas 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aureaair-to-surfaceadder's tongueacer spicatumaccroides gumabsolute zero
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