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12-Letter Words Containing: _,E,R,S,T

 (In Any Order)
There are 4,944 12 letter words, 914 12 letter phrases and 0 12 letter abbr's with _,E,R,S,T in.

Best Scoring 12 Letter Words With: _,E,R,S,T

50 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
32 verbv

• manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand

• perform without preparation

31 nounn

• a person who commiserates with someone who has had misfortune

• someone who shares your feelings or opinions and hopes that you will be successful

31 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
31 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
30 verbv

• To calm (a person or animal) or put them to sleep using a drug.

• To make (something or someone) tranquil.

• To become tranquil.

29 nounn

• one who deals only with brokers or other jobbers

29 nounn

• (football) the person who plays quarterback

• (American football) the position of the football player in the backfield who directs the offensive play of his team


• play the quarterback

29 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
29 verb, adverbv, adv

• make symmetric

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Tip: Scrabble EU allows far more words than US! Also change the max length to see more words.

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Words (4944)
Phrases (914)
wolfram steelwestern larchwest virginiaweaver's hitchwater blisterwaste productvolute springvistula rivervestal virginvena gastricauniversal settwo-way streetturdus merulatribe bubalustribal sheikhtreasury notetreasury billtreasure hunttrade expensethree-base hitthomas mertonterminus a quotennis stroketennis playersweet sorghumsweet gum treesurgeon's knotsupreme truthsupport levelsumo wrestlerstrong breezestrong beliefstring theorystretch pantsstretch alongstreet cornerstrangler figstraighten upstraight linestorage spacestone breakerstock-in-tradestephen cranesteering gearstaying powerstates' rightsstate senatorstarting gatestar sapphirestar fortressstable factorsports writersponge filterspeech rhythmsparring matesparkle metalsnellen chartslice throughskin eruptionsilent personsigrid undsetside entranceshort sellingshore stationshelf bracketsheet of papershaft furnacesemester hoursecond naturescottish reelsash fastenersara teasdalesamuel butlersalt merchantsaint bernardsafety marginroman lettersrobert gravesrisky ventureright-side-outribes sativumrestless legsresponse timered giant starradiator hoseput one acrosspulse counterprotest marchpress cuttingpresent timesprairie statepost meridiempleasure trippistacia verapeter sellerspeter behrensperfect tensepassive trustpassing waterpart of speechouter cassockotto sverdruporder cestidaopposite wordoperatic starobstacle racenot surprisednot intrusivenew jerseyitenatural shapenative sulfurmusic teachermountain rosemount shermanmount everestmotor scootermortise jointmissel thrushmental strainmaster of artsmass spectrummass hysteriamarie tussaudmarcel proustman of letterslusus naturaelow countrieslouis pasteurlouis bleriotlong trousersleast bitternlash togetherjules maigretjockey shortsjimmy stewartjewelry storejames thurberjacques ibertinertial massin short orderhylobates larhunter's saucehunted personhunger strikehouse servanthospital carehorse blankethoosier stateherpes zosterhernan cortesheart and soulhard-to-pleasegustav mahlerground strokegranite stateglenn curtissgibson desertgeorges bizetgenus trionyxgenus torreyagenus thrinaxgenus tarsiusgenus tarichagenus tapirusgenus tamarixgenus sturnusgenus marmotagenus crocutagenus artemiagenus apteryxgeneral staffg-series agentformal systemforehand shotfixed storageexpress trusternst haeckeledward westonearnest moneydrag one's feetdough sheeterdoppler shiftdisaster areadisagree withdesire to knowdesert iguanadental cariesdenis diderotcustomer's manculture shockcovered standcourse creditcost increasecoaster wagoncitrus medicacicuta verosacentre spreadcanister shotcanistel treecandy stripercalabash treebronco busterbrigate rossebride's bonnetbrewer's yeastbreast cancerblast furnacebeta vulgarisbering straitbath scrubberbarrier stripaxis vertebraauguste rodinat close rangeat arm's lengthartist's modelartisan's lienarrester hookarmistice dayarbutus unedoanwar el-sadatallspice treeajuga reptansadipose tumorabsentee ratezombie spirityouth crusadeyasser arafatwrong-side-outwriting stylewriter's crampwriter's blockwrestling matwork stoppagewitches' brothwitches' broomwire stripperwinter squashwinter savorywindow oysterwicker basketwhorled asterwhite russianwhite mustardwhite cypresswhite borschtwhite arsenicwestern worldwestern skinkwestern samoawestern poppywestern isleswestern birchwest germanicwest berlinerwelsh terrierwelsh rarebitwelfare stateweather stripweather sheetwatered stockwater striderwater spanielwater scooterwater parsnipwater biscuitwar secretarywanted posterwalter pistonvon sternbergvon rundstedtvitus behringvitreous bodyvisual cortexvirgin forestviolent stormvena rectalisvariable starvapor densityuttar pradeshusnea barbataus governmentup to our necksulysses grantu.s. governmenttyrolean alpsturnip greensturn of phraseturn of eventsturkish toweltubeless tiretrue sago palmtrue marmosettrouser presstropical soretrimmer joisttrestle tabletree squirreltree clubmosstreasury bondtreasure shiptraverse citytraveler's joytramp's spurgetramp steamertrained nursetrade surplustower mustardtorsion angletorres straittomato streaktodea superbatime exposurethunder snakethomas dekkerthomas deckerthird crusadethird basemanthermos flasktheatre stagetheater stagethe maritimestexas leaguerterrorist acttennis rackettassel flowertartare saucetar heel statetapestry mothtable servicetable mustardsyrian desertswimmer's itchsweetsop treesweep throughswagger sticksurface-to-airsupreme courtsuede leathersublime portestyrax texanastupid personstuffed shirtstuffed dermastudent nursestripper wellstriped skunkstriped racerstriped maplestriped hyenastripe blightstring cheesestrike leaderstrike a chordstretch forthstreet urchinstreet smartsstreet personstream orchidstrange quarkstrainer vinestraight facestormy petrelstorm trooperstorm lanternstone parsleystone bramblestock breederstichic versesterling blocsterling areastereo systemsterculia gumsteel factorysteam turbinesteam ejectorsteak tartarestay togetherstate trooperstate of qatarstate of katarstate of gracestarved asterstarting timestarting linestarter motorstarnose molestandard timestandard cellstamp batterystaghorn fernstage whisperstage monitorstage managerstaff officerstacker cranest. petersburgst. johns riverst. elias rangest peter's wortsquash racketsquare matrixsquare fathomspurge nettlespring beautyspotted feverspotted crakesports jacketsports editorsporting lifespirit rapperspiny lobstersphyrna tudessphincter anispencer tracyspectrum linespearnose batspearmint oilspear throwerspear thistlespathe flowerspark countersoviet russiasouthern scupsouth americasotadic versesophie tuckersolitary wavesolar batterysoft tree fernsoft ice creamsocket wrenchsnowdrop treesnooker tablesnap fastenersnack countersmall fortuneslumber partyslipper plantslave trafficslap togetherskillet breadsixth crusadesirloin steaksilver wattlesilver thatchsilver bulletsilky terriersilent butlersidereal timeshrimp buttershort subjectshoe industryshock therapyshaft encodersex chromatinsex characterseventh chordservice staffsertoli's cellsergeant fishseptember elmsenior statussenior momentsemantic roleseed sproutersedative drugsecret policesecret ballotsecond growthscratch sheetscratch paperscots heathersciatic nervescheldt riverscenic artistscene painterscarlet sumacscarlet plumescarlet maplescarlet feversawyer beetlesanta fe trailsanitary codesandarac treesampling ratesalt-free dietsaint maartensaint bridgetsaint ambrosesahara desertsafety factorsaddle oysterrusty gracklerumex acetosaroyal societyrosewood treerosetta stonerose chestnutrochelle saltrobert yerkesrobert morrisrobert bunsenriver cocytusringside seatriding masterrichter scalerhesus factorreverse splitreverse faultrevenue stampresting sporereserve ratioreptile genusrelay stationred goosefootred dwarf starreceiving setrating systemraising agentraise the roofrainbow smeltradius vectorquestion markqueen consortquarter stockquarter horsepurse stringsprompter's boxprivate partsprimrose pathprice supportpressure unitpressure suitpresent tenseprairie lotusprairie asterpower stationpoverty grasspotter's wheelpotter's fieldpotter's earthposter colourpostage meterportrait lensportal systemporta hepatispop-up toasterpoa pratensispleurisy rootpleasure boatplaster saintplant processpimenta acrispigeon breastpersona gratapersian deitypeople's partypeasant dresspasture brakepastor roseusparsons tablepars anteriorparadise treepants presserpackage storeoyster fungusoyster agaricowner's equityoutdoor stageos triquetrumoriental soreorder taxalesorchestra pitoptical maserone-way streetomental bursaoculus dexternusa tenggaranumber systemnubian desertnorthern scupnitrous oxideni-resist ironnew york stripnew york statenew york asternew criticismnew amsterdamnatural statenatural resinmystery storymystery novelmyrtle spurgemustard saucemustard agentmustagh rangemurine typhusmultiple starmother teresamosquito fernmojave desertmohave desertmistle thrushminstrel showmiddle bustermetric systemmeteor streammeteor showermerchant shipmedial rectusmaster-at-armsmaster of lawsmason's trowelmarx brothersmartes martesmarsh trefoilmarsh gentianmarsh felwortmarket squaremarket forcesmariotte's lawmaltese crossmaine lobsterlubber's pointlosing streaklobster plantlivery stablelittle sisterlistera ovatalister ploughlion marmosetline spectrumline of saturnlight cruiserlibyan desertlibrary pastelepista irinalee's birthdaylee strasbergleather stripleast squareslead arsenatelast respectslast frontierlaser printerlantern slidelake districtlady's tresseskorean straitknut pedersenknow the scorekey signaturejoseph listerjames stewartirish terrierinternet siteinterest rateinsect powderin other wordsimplied trusthouse trailerhouse painterhouse of tudorhot-work steelhorseshoe bathorse tradinghorse thistlehorse gentianhilbert spacehigher statushiatus herniaheroic stanzahermit thrushhenri matissehedge mustardhebrew scriptheart surgeryheart surgeonheart massageheart diseasehead registerharvest mouseharley streetharlan f. stonehard subtitlehand over fistgunter's chainguest of honorgrocery storegreater scaupgreat russiangreat bustardgrated cheesegordon setterglauber's saltgeum strictumgeorge c. scottgenus zosteragenus winteragenus turreaegenus trogiumgenus trilisagenus trichysgenus tortrixgenus tadornagenus swertiagenus strymongenus stentorgenus shortiagenus setariagenus rutilusgenus ranatragenus ptlorisgenus pteroisgenus protiumgenus proteusgenus pristisgenus ortalisgenus ondatragenus oestrusgenus marantagenus lythrumgenus listeragenus liatrisgenus lacertagenus icterusgenus icteriagenus hatioragenus fregatagenus euterpegenus etropusgenus egrettagenus cratevagenus clethragenus cestrumgenus certhiagenus caryotagenus carettagenus astreusgenus artamusgenus arctiumgenus arbutusgenus apaturagenus aletrisgeneral storegastric ulcergastric smeargastric juicegarter stitchgarden statergalois theoryg. k. chestertonfuller's earthfrost's boletefrost heavingfrog's lettucefriedman testfrench pastryfranchise taxfourth estatefoster familyforest red gumfore staysailfor the askingflatbed pressfirst readingfirst quarterfirst crusadefirst basemanfifth crusadefiesta flowerfield mustardfever blisterfertile phasefelis tigrinafelis ocreatafast of estherfalse verdictfalse trufflefalse heatherextra inningsexpress mirthewing's tumourevery so oftenevening shirteternal sleepesther morrisescape experternest waltonernest solvayelephant's earelectron lensegretta albuseastern turkieastern siouxeastern samoaeaster sundayeaster cactuseast germanicearth sciencedwarf astilbedry-stone walldraught horsedomestic carpdo-it-yourselfdistrict linedistress calldiscount ratedevil's turnipdeutsche markdessert spoondessert platedessert appledesk sergeantdesertic soildesert willowcystic arterycustard applecurling stonecrystal clearcrustal platecrow pheasantcrested swiftcrescent rollcrepe suzettecreosote bushcredit systemcourt plastercountry storecountry housecostal groovecorpus luteumcornish heathcontour sheetconstrue withcongress bootcomputer usercommon scotercobbler's lastcoaster brakecoast redwoodclothes dryerclothes drierclose supportcivil servantchristmas evechristian erachestnut treechemistry labcheese cuttercharacter setchair of statecentre of masscentral gyruscenter spreadcenter of masscatcher's maskcashmere goatcash registercaryota urenscape hatterasbuyers' marketbuyer's marketbuster keatonbunker busterbuck sergeantbrook thistlebroca's centerbritish islesbristle grassbristle brushbring outsidebreast pocketbreast of vealbreast of lambbrass sectionbrain trusterboston rockerbooster cablebook of estherbody snatcherblood blisterblarney stonebladder stonebinary systembeta softwarebend sinisterbefore christbedroom suitebayes' theorembastard titlebass clarinetbasket flowerbarrel cactusbanker's draftballet masterattar of rosesasteroid beltaster shortiiaster dumosusassault riflearthur holmesartesian wellartaxerxes iiarna bontempsapricot sauceappeals courtaortic plexusaletris aureaair-to-surfaceadder's tongueacer spicatumabsolute zero
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