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11-Letter Words Containing: O,E,S

 (In Any Order)
There are 7,933 11 letter words, 1,187 11 letter phrases and 0 11 letter abbr's with O,E,S in.

Best Scoring 11 Letter Words With: O,E,S

31 verbv

• to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds

31 nounn

• mild white Italian cheese

31 nounn

• a short movement coming between the major sections of a symphony

• a short piece of instrumental music composed for performance between acts of a drama or opera

• a brief show (music or dance etc) inserted between the sections of a longer performance

30 nounn

• the class of true slime molds; essentially equivalent to the division Myxomycota

30 verbv

• pose a threat to; present a danger to

• put at risk

30 nounn

• A noticeable shift in society or culture in response to the activities or tastes of younger members of the culture.

30 verbv
Valid word for Scrabble US
30 nounn

• cornbread usually cooked pancake-style on a griddle (chiefly New England)

30 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
29 nounn

• (genetics) an organism having two identical alleles of a particular gene and so breeding true for the particular characteristic

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Tip: Scrabble EU allows far more words than US! Also change the max length to see more words.

All 11 Letter Words

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Phrases (1187)
young personx chromosomework surfacewishing bonewindow shadewiener roastwhite personwhistle buoywhiskey sourweenie roastwater closetwaste of timevoix celestevespa crabroup to his necktsung-dao leetrouser cufftrojan horsetorch singertomato saucetomato pasteto be precisethresh aboutthomas wolfethomas painethomas mooretennis coachsystem errorsyntax errorsweet cloverstrong forcestrobe lightstrike a blowstorm centrestorage tankstorage cellstorage areastool pigeonstock traderstock raiserstate prisonstate of fluxstaff of lifesponge clothsplit secondspice cookiespeech soundsouth by eastsophia lorensooner statesolid figuresocial eventsnout beetlesmooth planesmoke screenslobber overslip of paperslide actionsketch blockskagens oddesir lancelotsimon legreesilver spoonsignal towershower stallshow the doorshort tempershort lettershoe leathersheet anchorshed light onsharp tongueset in motionservice doorsertoli cellseparate outsensory hairsense of dutyseed catalogsecured bondsection handsection gangsecond reichsecond jointseat cushionscots gaelicscoop shovelscale factorsan diego baysales outletsaddle horserotary pressrobert frostrobert burnsroad surfacerising sloperiding horseribbon snakerex harrisonretail storeresort hotelreal storageransom moneyprimus stoveposter colorposter childporter's beerpolice stateplaster overpercoid fishpeace symbolpaving stonepassing toneparrot's beakox-eyed daisyotis skinnerostrea gigasore dressingorder aralesopen-and-shutopen societyoliver stoneoff-the-shelfnorth by westnikola teslamouse buttonmosquito netmormon statemodern timesmighty mousemexican pesometeor swarmmesozoic erameadow grassmare nostrumman-on-a-horselower statuslower saxonylouis leakeylouis jolietlose sight ofloose cannonlocal streetliving stonelight sourceleon trotskylennon specslegal ousterleast effortle corbusierkiss of peacejoseph haydnjointed rushjohn websterjames monroeirish personincense woodin good tastein due courseiles comoreshugo de vrieshouse martinhostile firehorse traderhorse manurehorse balsamhors d'oeuvrehornet's nesthonest-to-godhigh treasonhenry hudsonhead of stateharvest homeground swellground noisegross estategreek chorusgospel truthgoose pimplegood spellergood mannersgolden yearsgolden stategoing ashoreglossy snakeget the goodsget a nosefulgeorge segalgeorge lucasgeorge burnsgenus zoysiagenus tetraogenus teredogenus tarpongenus proteagenus pipilogenus pholasgenus oxalisgenus ostryagenus ostreagenus orchisgenus ophrysgenus okapiagenus nestorgenus myotisgenus lycosagenus hirudogenus geomysgenus dacelogenus corvusgenus cornusgenus coniumgenus castorgenus boragogenus bombyxgenus bombusgenus arundogenus amoebagenus alopexgenus alcedofranz josef iform bubblesfoot soldierflush toiletflower stalkflaxseed oilfirst personfirst periodfemale horsefailure costex post factoenglish hornelbow greaseecho soundereating houseeast by southdrove chiseldomestic assdeep pocketsdanish kronedance schooldacelo gigascucumis melocrushed rockcoyote statecopper's narkcoping stoneconvex shapecontra dansecomte de saxecommon shrewcommon sensecome to gripscolor schemecoal scuttlecloseup lensclosely knitclever clogsclass periodclass fellowchief josephcherry stonecatch some z'scastor fibercase in pointcargo vesselcapo passerocanned foodsbustle aboutbull sessionbufo debilisbuffer storebroom closetbrazos riverbox tortoisebooster unitbooster shotbond servantbog rosemarybody servantbody processblood vesselblack grouseblack forestbitter aloesbiting lousebeta orionisbeef goulashbearer stockbarber's poleaverage costauction saleaspect ratioanise hyssopanise cookieanemone fishalthea roseaage of reasonadipose cellactor's agenta posteriori2 chronicleszero-sum gameyouth hostelyellow pagesyellow bellsyellow avensy chromosomeworsted yarnworld serieswool staplerwooden spoonwooden horsewoman chaserwillow asterwillis towerwidow's weedswhooper swanwhite cohoshwhistle stopwestern toadwest countrywest by southwest by northweaver's knotwater pistolwater locustwar of nerveswalter scottwalking shoevulpes veloxvowel systemvoiced soundvibrio fetusvesper mouseverey pistolvenous sinusvenous bloodvelvet osiervein of penisvariety showvalle d'aostatuscan ordertrue sparrowtrue lobstertrue glottistrouser cliptrouble spottree swallowtree surgeontree sparrowtransit zonetrades uniontrade schooltoy businesstouch systemtouch screentotten trusttossed saladtosk dialecttorrey's pinetop dressingtooth sockettonal systemtobacco usertoaster oventinned goodstinker's roottime depositthorny skatethomas carewthomas bayesthird persontheodosius itesting roomtension ringtennis elbowtennis courtten thousandteleost fishtax assessortam-o'-shantertalent scoutsystem clocksycamore figswiss peoplesweet violetsweet rocketsweet potatosweet orangesweet almondsweet alisonsweeney toddswedish ironswamp red oakswallow holeswallow divesutural bonesurface soilsupport hosesupply routesummer stocksummer housesulfur oxidesugar of leadsugar cookiesubway tokensubscribe tostrike a notestriate bodystrep throatstreet broomstorm petrelstorm centerstorm cellarstore cheesestorage roomstorage ringstopper knotstop paymentstone's throwstone martenstone facingstone curlewstomach achestokes' asterstocked withstock tickerstock saddlestock marketstock farmerstilt ploverstep forwardsteer ropingsteam shovelsteam boilerstatute bookstately homestate of mindstar ipomoeastar begoniastaff officest. john riverst. elmo's firesquare blockspotted lynxspotted dickspot promotesports arenasport jacketsponge morelsponge gourdsponge genusspirit stovespindle hornspiegel ironspeech organspade casinospace rocketsoybean milksoybean mealsoyabean oilsow one's oatssoviet unionsouthern taisouth plattesouth koreansouth by westsoursop treesoured creamsoup kitchensound systemsound effectsound camerasound asleepsoul brothersoprano clefsomatic cellsoliton wavesoledad pinesolar systemsolar plexussolar heatersolar energysolant goosesoil profilesoil erosionsoft pretzelsoda crackersocial mediasoccer fieldsnow throwersnow leopardsnake doctorsmooth astersmooth aldersmall storessmall personslot machinesleeper gobysleep aroundslash pocketskeleton keysingle quotesilver stormsilly seasonsilky cornelsilent moviesigmoid veinsierra leoneside of baconshower gloveshow me stateshovel boardshoulder padshoulder bagshotgun mikeshort's astershort sleeveshort castleshore patrolshop stewardshepherd dogsheep sorrelsheep botflyshamrock peasexual unionsex offendersewage workssew togethersevero ochoaservice roadservice booksepoy mutinyseparate offsenior pilotsenior classselene vomersee eye to eyesecond sightsecond powersecond molarseating roomsearing ironsea wormwoodsea starwortsea scorpionsea of cortessea milkwortscrotal veinscreen actorscrape alongscopes trialschool papersaw palmettosausage rollsatin flowersargasso seasantee siouxsamuel morsesalmon riversalmon berrysale in grosssal volatilesaint josephsaint jeromesaint georgesafety razorsacred lotusrunning shoeroyal tennisrosh chodeshrose of chinarose campionrooter skunkroller skaterocket saladrocket cressrock sea bassrock lobsterrobert scottrobert millsrise to powerrhodes grassrhode islandresidual oilreset buttonreed sectionred rockfishred goatfishrapeseed oilraison d'etrerainy seasonradio sourcepython sebaepurple osierpumice stonepublic houseprogne subisproducer gasprison housepriscoan eonpress of sailpress down onprairie soilpower systempower shovelpower seriespowder storepowder flaskpotter's clayposter paintposter boardpostal orderpostal clerkportable sawport moresbyporpoise oilpork sausagepope pius xiipope pius viipoor spellerpony expresspond cypresspommel horsepolice squadpoint-of-salepoint systempoint sourcepocket mousepocket flaskplough horsepicture showpiano lessonphone systempension planpension fundpearl oysterpaul robesonpassion weekpassing notepassero capeparson's noseparsley rootpars nervosapapoose rootpansy violetpane of glassp. p. von mauserp. g. wodehouseoyster shelloyster plantoverseas capoven stufferoutsider artoutside loopoutside doorotitis mediaotc securityostrich fernosage orangeos trapeziumos temporaleos pisiformeorson wellesorder apodesorange toastorange grassorange daisyoral robertsoral fissureoptical lensone thousandon one's guardoil-rich seedoil pressureoil of clovesoil businessoffshore rigoffset pressoffice staffof necessityoestrus ovisodds and endsoconee bellsobtuse angleoblique caseobject glassobesity dietoak chestnutnursing homenumbers poolnovelty shopnorthern spynorth by eastnon sequiturnoah websternews programnewport newsnew stone ageneutron starneosho rivernaval forcesnapier's rodsmysore thornmusical notemusical modemusic lessonmother's milkmother setonmother jonesmother goosemorris dancemornay saucemonte pissismons venerismonica selesmoney supplymolisch testmolded saladmojave asterminnie mousemiddy blousemickey mousemerino sheepmeadow mousemeadow cressmastoid bonemason's levelmartes foinamarket crossmarine corpsmarie stopesmantoux testmal de la rosamachine shoplubber's holelow-salt dietlove-in-a-mistlouis the farlouis b. mayerlord's supperlord's prayerloosely knitlong measurelocum tenensloco diseaselobster tartlobster taillobster stewliquor storelinks courseline of verseline of sightlight secondlife historyletter stocklester younglend oneselflemon cheeseleg extensorlee de forestleather soapleafnose batlars onsagerlarge personlabrador seakorea straitkiss of deathking oedipuskill oneselfkidney stonejussive moodjosiah spodejoseph's coatjoseph smithjoseph henryjoseph blackjosef albersjorge borgesjoint chiefsjohn t. scopesjohn osbornejodhpur shoejesuit orderjasper johnsjapanese oakjapanese hopjane seymourjames wilsonjames watsonjames huttonjacques loebisle of wightischial boneisaac newtonirish peopleirish coffeeinkblot testindigo snakeindex fossilin due seasonigneous rockiceland mossi chronicleshugo junkershugo devrieshudson riverhub-and-spokehouse sitterhouse of yorkhouse arresthospital bedhorse radishhorse racinghorse nettlehorse doctorhorse cassiahorse botflyhorse aroundhornets' nesthook spannerhooded skunkhonor systemhoney locusthoney fungushonest womanhomo sapienshomo erectushome reserveholy thistlehold one's ownhoisin saucehockey stickhockey skatehobble skirthit the bookshippo regiushigh societyhessian bootheroic verseherbs robertherb robertshelp oneselfhearing lossharvest moonharlan stonehans holbeinguide fossilguest workerguelder roseground stateground snakegross weightgrocery listgreasy spoongram's methodgrade schoolgouda cheesegopher stategopher snakegoose greasegoldie's ferngolden syrupgolden starsgolden astergo to the dogsglottis veraglass spongegila monstergeorge w. bushgeorge szellgeorge masongeorge guessgenus zoisiagenus volvoxgenus vibriogenus trogongenus triopsgenus sorbusgenus sonoragenus shoreagenus roccusgenus pythongenus pyrolagenus prognegenus pothosgenus pholisgenus oxyuragenus ovibosgenus otariagenus oritesgenus ononisgenus ocimumgenus nostocgenus nolinagenus noctuagenus neomysgenus myopusgenus moronegenus montiagenus molochgenus mohriagenus mobulagenus mimosagenus meropsgenus malopegenus lyoniagenus loxomagenus loliumgenus loligogenus liomysgenus limosagenus leipoagenus kochiagenus jambosgenus ixodesgenus homonagenus holcusgenus grisongenus ginkgogenus galagogenus filagogenus feijoagenus eumopsgenus eroliagenus elodeagenus dugonggenus doodiagenus diodongenus crotongenus crocusgenus cotulagenus cottusgenus costiagenus cosmosgenus corozogenus corixagenus cordiagenus coptisgenus conyzagenus coleusgenus coffeagenus coccusgenus cleomegenus chitongenus caprosgenus bromusgenus bowieagenus bonasagenus bombaxgenus azollagenus atropagenus apogongenus anomiagenus anolisgenus annonagenus albugogenus agonusgenus adonisgenus acorusgenus acinosgasoline taxgas phlegmongas embolismgaming housefungus orderfrozen foodsfrench toastfred m. vinsonfranz josephfox squirrelfor instancefool's errandflying mouseflower storeflip one's wigflip one's lidflash memoryfive nationsfishing polefish chowderfirst momentfire stationfind oneselffidel castrofibre opticsfiber opticsfavorite sonfat embolismfast reactorfast of tevetfalse mallowfalse indigofalse bottomfacts of lifef. d. rooseveltexhaust hoodewing's tumoreuropean ashescrow fundsernest blochenglish soleelops sauruselodea densaejector seateggdrop soupeast st. louiseast by northdyer's rocketduplex housedrug of abusedragon's headdovetail sawdouglas pinedouble sharpdouble firstdouble crossdonets basindomestic dogdomestic catdog's mercurydo the honorsdo the dishesdiesel motordesmond tutudesk officerdesert olivedesert hollydermoid cystdental flossdennis gabordeems taylordeed of trustdeck of cardsdebris stormdean achesondeaf as a postdaniel jonesdance lessondame's violetcustody caseculvers rootculver's rootcuckoo's nestcrown jewelscross streetcrookes tubecrash coursecoyote brushcowpen daisycow-nosed raycovered smutcourt tenniscoude systemcotton mousecost overruncosine curvecorn whiskeycorn spurreycore shootercore histonecooper's hawkcookie sheetcontact lensconey islandconenose bugconcave lenscompost pilecompost heapcommon osiercommon lousecold storagecoffey stillcoffee stallcoffee sennacodfish cakecluster bombclusia roseacloud seederclothes treeclothes mothclosing timecloset queencloset dramacloset augerclosed curveclose at handcleanup spotcigar smokerchurch mousechorus pedalchina closetchilean pesochicken soupchestnut oakceltic crosscecil rhodescat and mousecasting votecastile soapcase officercase historycascade downcasaba meloncarbon steelcar boot salecape passerocape lobstercanopic vasecanned goodscanada goosecalico astercalf's tonguecactus mousec major scalebutcher shopbundle of hisbuenos airesbrewer's molebrass monkeybowtie pastabowling shoebottle screwborscht beltbooster dosebook of hoseabook matchesbonnet sharkbomb shelterboilers suitbog asphodelbody englishboat whistleboar thistleblue succoryblood streamblind personblack personbishop's pinebetting shopbetting oddsberber coastbenford's lawbellows fishbella sombrabeauty salonbeaufort seabean tostadabay of naplesbasset houndbase on ballsbaron listerbar absolutebanquet songbanksia rosebank depositband oneselfballoon seatbaker's dozenazygous veinautomeris ioauthor's nameaudio systematom smasheraspen poplararmed forcesarc cosecantapostle paulaosta valleyand then somealfred noyesaleppo grassair force israir embolismage of fishesaerosol bombadelie coastact superioracne rosaceaace of spadesace of heartsabyssal zoneabsinthe oila. a. michelson12-tone music1 chronicles
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