(verb)Did you mean?
There is 1 meaning of the word
Deaccession - as a verb
Sell (art works) from a collection, especially in order to raise money for the purchase of other art works
Example: "The museum deaccessioned several important works of this painter"
Example Sentences
"The deaccession of several paintings from the museum's collection caused controversy among art enthusiasts."
"The board members voted on the deaccession of a rare book to fund the museum's renovations."
"The deaccession was announced to the public, and many people expressed their disappointment."
"The deaccession process involved a thorough assessment of the artwork's value and historical significance."
"The museum's deaccession policy stated that any items not meeting certain criteria would be considered for removal from the collection."
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No, deaccession is NOT valid for Words With Friends
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No, deaccession is NOT valid for WordFeud
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