There are 10 meanings of the word
Utility - as a noun
A company that performs a public service; subject to government regulation
Synonyms (Exact Relations)
public-service corporationpublic utilitypublic utility companyHypernyms (Closely Related)
serviceHyponyms (Broadly Related)
The quality of being of practical use
Synonyms (Exact Relations)
usefulnessHypernyms (Closely Related)
qualityHyponyms (Broadly Related)
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Antonyms (Opposite Meaning)
inutilityThe service (electric power or water or transportation) provided by a public utility
Example: "The cost of utilities never decreases"
(economics) a measure that is to be maximized in any situation involving choice
Hypernyms (Closely Related)
metricsystem of measurementHyponyms (Broadly Related)
(computer science) a program designed for general support of the processes of a computer
Example: "A computer system provides utility programs to perform the tasks needed by most users"
Synonyms (Exact Relations)
service programutility programHypernyms (Closely Related)
computer programcomputer programmeprogramprogrammeHyponyms (Broadly Related)
A facility composed of one or more pieces of equipment connected to or part of a structure and designed to provide a service such as heat or electricity or water or sewage disposal
Example: "The price of the house included all utilities"
Hypernyms (Closely Related)
facilityinstallationHyponyms (Broadly Related)
Utility - as an adjective satellite
Capable of substituting in any of several positions on a team
Example: "A utility infielder"
Synonyms (Exact Relations)
substituteUtility - as an adjective
Having to do with, or owned by, a service provider.
Example: "Utility line; utility bill"
Designating of a room in a house or building where mechanical equipment is installed; such as a furnace, water tank/heater, circuit breaker, and/or air conditioning unit; and often equipped with hookups for laundry equipment (washer/dryer).
Example: "Utility room"
Example Sentences
"The utility company provided power and water services to the entire city."
"We need to install some shelves in the garage for additional storage utility."
"The new software has improved the efficiency and utility of our office workflow."
"Public parks serve as a great utility for outdoor recreational activities."
"The utility of the new smartphone lies in its advanced camera features."
Word Game Points
Is UTILITY a valid Scrabble word?
Yes, utility is valid for both Scrabble US and EU
UTILITY has a SCRABBLE points total of 10.
Is UTILITY a valid Words With Friends word?
Yes, utility is valid for Words With Friends
Valid WordUTILITY has a WORDS WITH FRIENDS points total of 11.
Is UTILITY a valid WordFeud word?
Yes, utility is valid for WordFeud
Valid WordUTILITY has a WORDFEUD points total of 11.
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