There is 1 meaning of the word
Unconstitutionality - as a noun
The status of being unconstitutional; of not being in accord with the provisions of the appropriate constitution.
Example: "On april 2013 the court released two decisions about the unconstitutionality of certain provisions of the acts of madrid and navarre."
Example Sentences
"The court ruled that the law's unconstitutionality violates citizens' rights."
"The lawyer argued for the unconstitutionality of the new legislation."
"Legal scholars have debated the unconstitutionality of the death penalty."
"The Supreme Court case brought to light the unconstitutionality of the surveillance program."
"The lobbying group filed a lawsuit challenging the unconstitutionality of the tax law."
Word Game Points
Is UNCONSTITUTIONALITY a valid Scrabble word?
No, unconstitutionality is NOT valid for Scrabble
Is UNCONSTITUTIONALITY a valid Words With Friends word?
Yes, unconstitutionality is valid for Words With Friends
Valid WordUNCONSTITUTIONALITY has a WORDS WITH FRIENDS points total of 30.
Is UNCONSTITUTIONALITY a valid WordFeud word?
No, unconstitutionality is NOT valid for WordFeud
Invalid WordUNCONSTITUTIONALITY is not a valid WordFeud word.