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Example Sentences
"The principle of trilateration is commonly employed in wireless communication systems for location tracking."
"Mobile applications often utilize trilateration to provide accurate location services to users."
"The accuracy of trilateration depends on the precision of the distance measurements."
"By implementing trilateration algorithms, autonomous vehicles can navigate and avoid obstacles more efficiently."
"In telecommunications, trilateration helps in locating mobile devices in case of emergency."
Word Game Points
Is TRILATERATION a valid Scrabble word?
Yes, trilateration is valid for Scrabble UK/EU only
TRILATERATION has a SCRABBLE points total of 13.
Is TRILATERATION a valid Words With Friends word?
No, trilateration is NOT valid for Words With Friends
Invalid WordTRILATERATION is not a valid Words With Friends word.
Is TRILATERATION a valid WordFeud word?
Yes, trilateration is valid for WordFeud
Valid WordTRILATERATION has a WORDFEUD points total of 13.
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