There is 1 meaning of the word
Self-Incrimination - as a noun
An accusation that incriminates yourself
Example Sentences
"The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects individuals from self-incrimination."
"During the trial, the defendant exercised their right to avoid self-incrimination."
"The suspect refused to answer any questions on the grounds of self-incrimination."
"The right to self-incrimination ensures that individuals cannot be forced to testify against themselves."
"The witness pleaded the fifth, invoking self-incrimination."
Word Game Points
Is SELF-INCRIMINATION a valid Scrabble word?
No, self-incrimination is NOT valid for Scrabble
Is SELF-INCRIMINATION a valid Words With Friends word?
No, self-incrimination is NOT valid for Words With Friends
Invalid WordSELF-INCRIMINATION is not a valid Words With Friends word.
Is SELF-INCRIMINATION a valid WordFeud word?
No, self-incrimination is NOT valid for WordFeud
Invalid WordSELF-INCRIMINATION is not a valid WordFeud word.