There are 6 meanings of the word
Sectors - as a noun
A plane figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle
A social group that forms part of the society or the economy
Example: "The public sector"
Hypernyms (Closely Related)
social groupHyponyms (Broadly Related)
A particular aspect of life or activity
Example: "He was helpless in an important sector of his life"
Synonyms (Exact Relations)
sphereHypernyms (Closely Related)
aspectfacetHyponyms (Broadly Related)
The minimum track length that can be assigned to store information; unless otherwise specified a sector of data consists of 512 bytes
A portion of a military position
Measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged at one end
Example Sentences
"Government policies affect various sectors of the economy."
"Different sectors of society have different priorities."
Word Game Points
Is SECTORS a valid Scrabble word?
Yes, sectors is valid for both Scrabble US and EU
SECTORS has a SCRABBLE points total of 9.
Is SECTORS a valid Words With Friends word?
Yes, sectors is valid for Words With Friends
Valid WordSECTORS has a WORDS WITH FRIENDS points total of 10.
Is SECTORS a valid WordFeud word?
Yes, sectors is valid for WordFeud
Valid WordSECTORS has a WORDFEUD points total of 10.